Pastor’s Blog


April 2023

Dear First Presbyterian Family,
Easter will be upon us in April. We will mark the joy of Palm   Sunday on April 2. We will remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, April 6.  We will honor the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday, April 7. We will celebrate the resurrection on Easter, April 9. There are many faithful ways to approach Holy Week. We can use this time to reflect on the crucifixion. We can focus on God’s love for us. We can lean more deeply into our faith. We can find joy in the victory of resurrection. Music plays a significant role in the way we mark, remember,   honor, and celebrate. Music aids us as we reflect, focus, learn, and find joy in significant milestones of faith. Below are lines of Easter hymns and hymns inspired by moments of Easter for your inspiration.
Reflecting on the Crucifixion: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God! All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.
Focusing on God’s Love: In Christ Alone In Christ alone my hope is found, is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
Leaning on Faith: Blessed Assurance This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
The Joy of the Victory: Crown Him with Many Crowns Crown Him the Lord of Heav’n One with the Father known. One with the Spirit through Him giv’n From yonder glorious throne.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Jones Doughton  



Dear First Presbyterian Family,

I wrote these words on January 31, 2023. A Wintry Mix has many of us at home. I pray that you all are safe and warm at this time.

I want to share just a few thoughts that come to mind. First, as we are in the midst of a winter storm-pray for those who need to be outside. Please pray for Sharing Life and W.A.R.M-the emergency shelter. Second, as this is the month of love, be sure and pray for family and friends. Maybe this is a time to reconnect with a friend you have not seen. Third, as this is the shortest month of the year, it makes me think of time. Pray for good use of time. Shelter from the cold, connection with friends and loved ones, and good use of time-these are three needs that are on my heart and mind at this time. Take care and see you on Sunday!

 JOIN US FOR 2023 Holy Week

April 2: Palm Sunday

April 6: Maundy Thursday

April 7: Good Friday

April 9: Easter Sunday

We have several Worship highlights in February. We will celebrate Communion on Sunday, February 5 at both services. The choir will present at both services on Sunday, February 12. We will hold our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 PM on February 22.

We will gather again for Fellowship on Sunday, February 26. We will hear a Men’s Choir from an Adult Program of Teen Challenge. This is a Christ-based program of recovery. They will present songs and stories. We will gather again on Sunday, March 19. We will celebrate the Mission of the church as part of our program. Speaking of Mission, we will host a Blood Mobile on March 19. Also, remember, we continue to hold our 100 Can Challenge for each month.

Christian Education continues to take place on Sunday mornings in our Sunday School Classes. Dr. Carol Stephenson will continue to lead a study on Wednesday Night Live February 8 and 15. We will offer a meal on February 22 before the Service. A Lent Study will take place on March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support,

Jones Doughton


Please note what we have in store for the months ahead.

For Worship, we will celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday on October 2. We will mark All Saints Day and Reformation Sunday on October 30. November 6 will serve as our Dedication Sunday as well as Communion    Sunday. November 13 we will have a moment for Remembrance Sunday. This will be a time to thank those who have served in the Armed Forces.

We had a good time of Fellowship at our September 18, Lemonade on the Lawn. Our Church Picnic returns on  October 2, at the Town Center Park in Sunnyvale. The Men’s Council will prepare another Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday, November 20. We also can fellowship as we engage in mission and outreach. We will have another opportunity for outreach through Addressing Mesquite Day on October 1. Then, many will be able to give the Gift of Life on October 9, at the Carter BloodCare Mobile Unit. Then, on Saturday, October 29, the Fall Festival will take place under the leadership of Suzanne Ivy.

October 2, also marks two big steps for the congregation. First, the congregation will elect new Church Officers. Please be in prayer for our Elder nominees: Roger Foltz, Linda Fricke, John Kusewitt, Paul Luce, Gina Villafana, and Bennett Doughton (Youth Elder). Those nominated for Deacon: John Futrell, Rodney Graham, Patty Kim, and Alberto   Villafana (Youth Deacon). Our nominee for Trustee:  H. C. (Pete) Allen, Jr.  Also, we will launch our Stewardship Season “The Art of Gratitude” on October 2.

We continue our Discipleship Journey through Christian EducationWednesday Night Live will continue through the month. Rev. Doughton will offer Episode Two of his Four Part Holy Land Presentation. The month opens with “Sepphoris”: The City Jesus Never Mentioned…But Must Have Seen.” Brenda Greer will lead the youth and children on a culinary adventure on October 5. November 2 will be the time to prepare the College Care Packages. Our youth will host the Eastminster Presbyterian Youth on October 16. Also, looking ahead, Youth Bell Practice will return Sunday, November 6 at 9:30 AM. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support, Jones Doughton

JUNE / JULY 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“Summertime and the living is easy.” That song comes to mind as I approach June and the year’s summer block. I also return to that line from Ecclesiastes, “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”    Summer is upon us and the pattern of life changes again.  During June the youth will go on their mission trip with other Grace Presbytery Youth. We will have our Vacation Bible School.

July will be our “Sabbatical Month”. There will be no called meetings for any committees or Church Officers. While I will use some of that time for a family vacation, I also want to use that block to plan, to read, reflect, and prepare for the fall. My prayer is that we will take time this summer to rest truly. May this be a summer of great fun and great rest for you. 

Worship: We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip. We will look at some of the Beatitudes this summer. After my trip to the Mount of the Beatitudes, I have much to ponder.

Christian Education: Exciting opportunities, Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is also exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer. Rally Day, the Blessing of the Backpacks, and a celebration to kick off the new school year and Church School year will take place in August. 

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: We have enjoyed many formats for Fellowship over the past several months.  During the summer there will be opportunities to fellowship at VBS. There will also be an after-church social in August to mark the re-opening in full of       Wilbanks Hall and Rally Day.

Mission Support: “Moving Ahead” is our goal for the summer months. The Property Committee has had the sprinklers repaired. We can water the grounds and the foundation again. The committee is looking into better locks for the sanctuary entry. There are other improvement projects on the horizon. Our goal is to complete the final punch list items for Wilbanks Hall by the end of July.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

Sermon Schedule:

June 5: “Power”, Acts 2:1-8; Pentecost

June 12: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

June 19: “The Poor in Spirit”, Matthew 5:3

June 26: “Those Who Mourn”, Matthew 5:4

July 3: “The Peacemakers” Matthew 5:9

July 10: “The Little People”, Matthew 5:5

July 17: “Those Who Hunger and Thirst”, Matthew 5:6

July 24: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

July 31: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

pastor’s blog

May 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

By the time this article goes to print, I will be in the Holy Land. This trip is part of a three-year Learning Cohort. The sponsoring ministry is now called The Ministry Collaborative Back in 2018, I learned that a friend nominated me to participate. These ministerial learning cohorts gather ministers from different backgrounds, perspectives, and denominations to learn in a group setting over three years. We began in 2019 and we planned to take this trip in the spring of 2020. Since the pandemic began we met by Zoom until December 2021. Since then we have met by Zoom or in person based on the current status of the pandemic. This trip will now be part of our conclusion.

We will fly out of Dallas/Fort Worth on Monday, April 25. We will return on Saturday, May 7. Our trip will take us to Tel Aviv, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem, and      Jerusalem. It will take some time to fully process all that will have taken place. After a season of reflection, there will be much to tell.

As we enter May I reflect on the past four months. We have returned to more typical worship services for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We have continued to ease back into regular Fellowship Gatherings. We continue to plan more regular events for Christian Education. Our Easter Egg Hunt not only ministered to our children, but we were also able to reach out to the community. I saw Easter Sunday as a celebration on many levels. We have restored much to our lives as a church family. Now we can reinvent. The next several months should be very exciting indeed. See you all on May 8! 

Worship will be diverse in May. Rev. Jim Witherow will lead in worship and celebrate Holy Communion with you all on May 1. The Jubilate Ringers will present special music again. The Confirmands will join the church on May 8. We will honor our Seniors on May 15. Our traditional “Memorial Day Service” will take place on May 22. Rev. Craig Krueger will return to the pulpit on May 29. We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip.  

Christian Education: Our Faith Builders and L.I.F.E Youth have active plans for the spring and early summer. Both groups plan for some “End of School Year Fun” during the May 22 fellowship event. Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer as well. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising the funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: . We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: Mark your calendar now for May 22. We will enjoy lunch after the 11 AM worship service. Events for Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E. Youth will take place in connection with the event. This will be a big day to mark the final countdown to the end of the school year.

Mission Support: “How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb?” As you can see from the pictures, we had a “committee” to oversee a new light bulb in the steeple. Our Spring Clean Day on Saturday, April 9 went well. Restoration Solutions continues to knock out the last steps on Wilbanks Hall. Again-thank you for your support. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

pastor’s blog – april 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Sunday, March 20 we welcomed Spring 2022. I am writing on the first official days of the season. We have had warmth and cold,  sunshine and rain, fair weather, and foul-and all in just a few days. The days are turning and new seasons are upon us. Currently, we are in the midst of Lent. I want to commend the following prayers to you for Holy Week (April 10-April 17). They come from the Book of Common Worship.

April 10-Palm Sunday: Merciful God, as we enter Holy Week and gather at Your house of prayer, turn our hearts again to Jerusalem, to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that united with Christ and all the faithful we may one day enter in triumph the city not made by human hands, the new Jerusalem, eternal in the heavens, wherewith You and the Holy Spirit, Christ lives in glory forever.

April 11-Monday: Gracious God; Out of Your love and mercy, You breathed into dust the breath of life, creating us to serve You and our neighbors. Call forth our prayers and acts of tenderness, and strengthen us to face our mortality; that we may reach with confidence for Your mercy; in Jesus Christ our Lord.

April 12-Tuesday: Almighty God, Whose Son fasted forty days in the wilderness, and was tempted as we are but did not sin: Give us grace to discipline ourselves in submission to Your Spirit, that as You know our weakness, so we may know Your power to save; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

April 13-Wednesday: God of mercy, You are full of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness, and always ready to forgive. Grant us grace to renounce all evil and to cling to Christ, that in every way we may prove to be Your loving children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

April 14-Maundy Thursday: Holy God, source of all love, on the night of His betrayal Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment, to love one another as He loved them. Write this commandment in our hearts; give us the will to serve others as He was the servant of all, Who gave His life and died for us, yet He is alive now and forever.

April 15-Good Friday: Merciful God, You gave Your Son to suffer the shame of the cross. Save us from hardness of heart, that seeing Him who died for us, we may repent, confess our sin, and receive Your overflowing love, to  Jesus Christ our Lord.

April 16-Holy Saturday: Eternal God, in Jesus Christ You have given the light of life to all the world. Sanctify this new fire and inflame us with a desire to shine forth and the brightness of Christ’s rising, until we feast at the banquet of eternal light; through Jesus Christ, the Sun of Righteousness.

April 17-Easter Sunday: Glory to You, O God, Who on this day won victory over death, raising Jesus from the grave and giving us eternal life. Glory to You, O Christ, Who for us and for our salvation overcame death and opened the gate to everlasting life. Glory to You, O Holy Spirit, Who lead us into the truth. Glory to You, O blessed Trinity, now and forever. Amen.

Worship: Will be vibrant in April. We will have a Lent Cantata on April 3. For the first time since 2019, we will have a procession of children, youth, and choir members at both services on Palm Sunday, April 10. The choir will share music at both services. We will observe our traditional Maundy Thursday again in the Fellowship Hall on April 14. We will gather in the sanctuary on April 15 for the Good Friday Service.  On April 17 we will mark Easter. Students from the MISD will share music with their brass instruments. On April 24 the youth will lead us in worship at both services. May 1, Rev. Jim Witherow will lead in worship and celebrate Holy Communion with you all. We will also hear the Jubilate Ringers again.

Christian Education: The Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 16. Our interim Sunday School format will continue through the late Spring. Our Faith Builders and L.I.F.E Youth have active plans for the spring and early summer. Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer as well. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. Over 20 people showed up to give blood on March 20. We enjoyed a fellowship meal in March that highlighted some of our mission support. The youth are currently raising the funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: We have slowly reengaged with fellowship events since October. Mark your calendar now for May 22. We will enjoy lunch after the 11 AM worship service. Events for Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E. Youth will take place in connection with the event. This will be a big day to mark the final countdown to the end of the school year.

Mission Support: Our Spring Clean Day is Saturday, April 9 at 9 AM. This will be a time to tidy up the grounds. Also, we had the land surveyed behind the former manse for sale. Surveyors are in high demand these days. We lined up the survey over two months in advance. We should be able to proceed with the sale in the next few weeks. Finally, Restoration Solutions continues to knock out the last steps on Wilbanks Hall.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Lent will begin for us on Wednesday, March 2. I want to suggest three strategies for this season: Give Up, Give Out, or Give In. First, there is Give Up. People often give up such things as sweets or caffeine. Some people give up Social   Media. An alternative is to use social media in a very limited way. This could mean one only checks in for birthdays. Some people give up television. Ideally, one uses that as self-discipline and self-reflection.

Second, there is Give Out. I once heard a pastor encourage people to do something for others during this season. These could be acts of service for others. It could be a time to write letters to representatives about policies near and dear to your heart. One person made a list of ten friends. During Lent, this person prayed for each person every day. After Easter, each person got an “I prayed for you during Lent” letter. One person told me that he made a list of people who had helped him along the way. Then, during Lent, he wrote each one a letter thanking him or her for the special investment.            

Third, there is a Give In. This can overlap with the other two I mentioned. By this, I mean that one takes on a special discipline. Instead of spending an hour on Social Media, one prays through a special list. Instead of spending money on soft drinks (or soda as some call it), that money is given to a mission. One can read a book on faith reflections. I can make suggestions for reading material. One can take prayer walks-just a ten-minute stroll on your street or a stroll during lunch break.

As you can see, there is an overlap between these three approaches: Give Up, Give Out, and Give In. I encourage you all to find a path during Lent that involves one or more of these strategies. My hope and prayers are that each path will lead us closer to Jesus Christ.

Worship: We will mark the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Service on March 2. It will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.  This will be our first such service since 2020.

Christian Education: We continue to offer Sunday School in our transitional format. Faith Builders and the Youth have good spring schedules. You can find their events listed in the newsletter. As we approach Lent, let me ask this question: Are you interested in a short-term mid-week Lenten Study? If the interest is there, I will lead a five-week Lenten Study on the following Wednesdays: March 16, 23, 30, April 6, and 13 at 10 AM. If you are interested, please respond with “yes, I will make that commitment” to the church office. We need at least six people to commit for the group to launch. 

Mission: Our next Blood Mobile will take place on March 13. We continue to exceed our monthly goal with the 100 Can Challenge. Fellowship and Mission will work together on March 20. Our Fellowship Meal will focus on some of the Missions supported by this church. We will have speakers and displays from Sharing Life here in Mesquite; Evergreen, a ministry serving the mentally challenged; and Rev. Rob Leischner of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian-Dallas will speak about the East Dallas Partnership with El Norte Synod in Guatemala

Mission Support: As I write these words (on a Wednesday on an Ice Day) we are looking to a completed Christian Education Building and Wilbanks Hall. There remain some punch list items. However, we should be able to use the Fellowship Hall in full soon. Furniture and supplies are ordered. By late spring we should be able to use the building in full. 

We approved the sale of two acres behind the former manse back in October. This land will go to Open Door Baptist. We will use the proceeds for improvements to the buildings and grounds. Presbytery approved the sale in principle. The land will be surveyed on March 22. If the way be clear a contract can be written and signed by the end of April.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Ground Hog Day is upon us! February 2 is the day where we “learn” if Spring is on the way or if we have six more weeks of Winter. Though February can be a brutal month for us (remember Snow-mageddon?), this month does mark a turn to spring. I could tell a real difference in the morning light during my running days in Virginia. Come February 2 “O Dark 30” was not as dark as it had been. In fact, in some cultures, February 2 marked Spring. For such times and places, February 2 was the day to put away the old of winter and fully embrace the new year.

However, we all know that February is known for the big day in the middle: Valentine’s Day. That leads me every year to the famous “Love Chapter”-I Corinthians 13. I have copied it below this paragraph. I heard a speaker share a great insight about this chapter. The chapter describes love in its ideal state. This chapter also describes God’s love for us. You can read through this passage and insert the phrase “God’s love for me is” when you see the word “love”. “God’s love for me is patient.” “God’s love for us is kind.” “God’s love for First Presbyterian Mesquite bears all things and endures all things”. I encourage you to read through this chapter again with that understanding. Give yourself time to reflect on that truth.

“If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. 9 For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; 10 but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. 

12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 13 And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”

January is behind us it is time to move forward into 2022 full on and full out!

Keep in mind these developments for February and the first weeks of March. For Worship, we will continue our look at Revelation. March 6 will be our First   Sunday in Lent. Ash Wednesday will take place on March 2. There will be a Special Service in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Christian Education: Sunday School continues in its current format. Faith Builders will meet at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 27. They will have an adult-led photo scavenger hunt around the square in downtown Mesquite. We have set the dates for Vacation Bible School: June 26-June 30. The next Fellowship event will be a dinner on Sunday, February 27. Mission includes the Souper Bowl of Caring on February 13. On that day, please bring a can of food or a dollar (or any amount of money). All proceeds will go to Sharing Life. We have good news on the Mission Support front. It looks like we will have full use of Wilbanks Hall by the end of the month. For other updates-please see my Annual Report in this newsletter.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings, I first spoke at an Annual Dinner on January 28, 2018. I stood perched on a new chapter in the Great State of Texas. That year I had it easy. We simply looked at the 2017 report written by Harry. I also shared a few thoughts for the coming year. Now I stand before you all on January 30, 2022, for my fourth “State of the Church” presentation as we begin our fifth year together.

Two biblical images come to mind as I look back on 2021. First, there is the call of Abraham. The story has a       prologue. First, his father Terah heard the call to leave the great city of Ur and move upriver to Harran. The family faithfully moved to that place. Later, Abraham heard the call to leave Harran, and his familiar culture, to go to The Promised Land.

Second, I think of the Return from Exile. The Return took place over 90 years and as our different groups came to the Promised Land from the Place of Exile in Babylon. Two major projects took place during the Return. They are recorded in the Bible as first, the Rebuilding of the Wall by Nehemiah. That project took place fairly quickly and neatly. The second recorded project was the Building of the Second Temple. We read of the start of the project in Ezra. It took twenty years to complete the project. It took place in fits and starts and for some years nothing took place. The prophet Haggai encouraged the people to finish the work. 

What does this mean for us?

Like Abraham, we have spent time in a Harran, maybe even two or three “Harrans”, over the past two years. We went to shelter in place in 2020. We began to cautiously re-engage in a different setting later that year. That model developed to a new pattern in the middle of 2021. As we enter 2022-we are making some deliberate efforts to move to a new place. In each instance, we were in a faithful place. Then, at the appointed time we made a move. Abraham lived faithfully in Harran. Then, he followed Divine Direction and he went to the Promised Land.

Like the Second Temple, our return to the Promised Land is coming in fits and starts. The ongoing repair work in Wilbanks Hall has taken time. Fellowship events took place in Wilbanks Hall. Then we realized we needed to back off until more work is done. We have begun to make plans for other gatherings-and then we have had to pivot and turn in light of developments. Below are other examples of what we have done and what we hope to accomplish.

Worship: We have transitioned from three services to two in July. We held our traditional Lent/Holy Week series of services. Through technology, we heard the choir sing the Hallelujah Chorus on Easter.  Over this fall the choir returned. We had a Christmas Cantata. Handbells will rise again. The younger disciples have presented special music in January. They will do so again in the late Spring. We plan to have special music at Easter.

Christian Education: The Youth and Faith Builders met during the year. We held a modified Vacation Bible School in August. The youth volunteered each morning at Sharing Life. This July Sunday School returned. As I write these words the Christian Education Committee is making plans for the New Year, among other things.

Mission: We met our Benevolence Goals for the third year in a row. We had exceeded our 100 Can Challenge every month. We continue to sponsor Blood Mobiles. We supported the WARM initiative of Sharing Life. This emergency cold weather shelter housed eighty people during “Snow-mageddon”. The Garage Sale supplemented our benevolences again. We hosted a successful daytime Fall Festival. The Mission Committee has set some impressive goals for the new year.

Fellowship: We fellowshipped again in October at the park in Sunnyvale. We had a wonderful time. The church gathered again in November, under the leadership of the Men’s Council. The Fellowship Committee hosted a gathering after the Christmas Program in December. We plan to have a full slate of gatherings when Wilbanks Hall is finished. The Women’s Retreat will return in March. The Men’s Retreat at Mo-Ranch is on schedule in May.

Mission Support: We had a good response to our Fall Stewardship Campaign. We are poised for a strategic advance in 2023. My vision is to see us re-enter Wilbanks Hall in the next few months. We should close on the sale of the two acres behind the former manse. We will put that money to work. The Property Committee will develop a list of repair and upgrade projects for the year ahead. We will continue to strengthen the support system for this outpost of Mission and Hope on this corner in Mesquite.

The Conclusion: The Temple project continues as we journey to a new Harran. We will establish new or tweak existing patterns. For example, the Session and Deacons returned to meeting separately in January. For eighteen months they had met together in a Joint Officers Meeting. Now they are learning how to meet as single bodies again. In many ways, we at First Presbyterian will learn, yet again, how to respond to our new environment.

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Rev. Dr. E. Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’” Those words were spoken by King George VI as part of his 1939 Christ-mas Broadcast. I have returned to those words from the poem, “God Knows” for the past several years. They mean more to me now than they have ever meant before.
We began 2021 with three services on Sunday and some meetings taking place in controlled settings. We adapted traditions for the spring. This summer we returned to two services and we introduced Sunday School in a transitional format. We navigated our way through appropriate precautions. The Men’s Council, Youth, and Faith Builders began to meet with regularity. We returned to Address Mesquite in October. The Garage Sale, Fall Festival, the Christmas Bazaar, and Thanksgiving Meal by the Men’s Council all returned. The youth and children presented a Christmas Program. We also faced “Snowmaggedon”. As I write Wilbanks Hall is still being repaired. However, we were able to use it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
As we look to 2022, we look with caution as well as hope. In the weeks ahead more definitive plans will come to pass. We will navigate our way to another pattern. As I reflect on the next few months, this post shared by Leighton Ford comes to mind: My prayer on this New Year’s Day, courtesy of Thomas Merton: “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shad-ow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” – Thomas Merton, “Thoughts in Solitude,” (1958).

And so, let us look to the New Year with hope. Let us pray for wisdom, discretion, and courage. Let our faith lead us to act in love. Let us embrace the words of these words a friend shared with me over ten years ago: “I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time. I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned during the last twelve months of life. In me lies the potential of all that you dreamed but did not dare to do, all that you hoped but did not perform, all that you prayed for and did not experience. I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Christ who said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’ Revelation 21:5. ‘Dear Lord of second chances and new beginnings, here we come again’!”
Christian Education: Currently our Sunday School program continues to operate in its “Summer School” mode. We hope to make the transition in the first quarter of the New Year. The schedule for Faith Builders and Youth will be finalized in the next few weeks. We will keep you all updated.
Fellowship: The Annual Congregational Meeting Dinner will return on Sunday, January 30.
Mission: Once again we were able to support our planned benevolences 100%. The Mission Committee has created an ambitious goal for benevolent support in 2022. There will be a Mission Emphasis in March.
Worship: We will celebrate the Ordination and Installation of our new officers on Sunday, January 2. We will celebrate Communion on January, 9. Our Service for Healing and Wholeness will return on Wednesday, January 12 at 6:30 PM. We also have a series of special music during January. We will have solos on January 2 and 9. The Alleluia Chime Choir will present on January 16. The Choir returns in full force with an anthem to share at both services on January 23.
Mission Support: The Mission Action Plan, our budget, has a strong support. The Session voted to go with an increased budget for the coming year. Details are available and will be presented at the Annual Dinner. As I write, the rebuilding process continues with our Christian Education Building-Fellowship Hall. We will return in full in 2022. The question is just when. 2022 will definitely be a year to rebuild and go forward.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

P.S. Thank you for the very gracious Christmas Love Offering. We have placed it in savings for now. We will think long and hard on the best way to put it to use. You all are very kind and encouraging and my family appreciates it very much. Thank you all again.


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Happy Advent! As we plan and prepare for Christmas we can always pray. For this month, I want to offer you this prayer from the Scottish-American Presbyterian pastor, Peter Marshall.

“We yearn, our Father, for the simple beauty of Christmas-for all the old familiar melodies and words that remind us of that great miracle when He who had made all things was one night to come as a babe, to lie in the crook of a woman’s arm.

Before such mystery, we kneel, as follow the shepherds and Wise Men to bring Thee a gift of our love-a love we confess has not always been as warm or sincere or real as it should have been. But now, on this Christmas Day, that love would find its Beloved, and from Thee receive the grace to make it pure again, warm and real.

We bring Thee our gratitude for every token of Thy love, for all the ways Thou hast heaped blessings upon us during the years that have gone.

And so we do pray, Lord Jesus, that as we celebrate Thy birthday, we may do it in a manner well-pleasing to Thee. May all we do and say, every tribute of our hearts, bring honor to Thy name, that we, Thy people, may remember Thy birth and feel Thy presence among us even yet.

May the loving kindness of Christmas not only creep into our hearts but there abide, so that not even the return to earthly cares and responsibilities, not all the festivities of our own devising may cause it to creep away weeping. May the joy and spirit of Christmas stay with us now and forever.

In the name of Jesus, Who came to save His people from their sins, even in that lovely name we pray. Amen.”


December 5, Second Sunday of Advent-Peace: We will celebrate Communion.

December 12, Third Sunday of Advent-Love: We will welcome back the Jubilate Ringers as they share their gift again.

December 19, Fourth Sunday of Advent, Joy: We will worship through a Christmas Cantata.

December 26, First Sunday of Christmas: We will worship together at one service at 11:00 AM.

January 2: We will begin the New Year with one service at 11:00 AM, we will celebrate Communion, we will mark Epiphany, and the Ordination and Installation of new Elders and Deacons.

January 9: We conclude our series on the “I Am Sayings” of Jesus. The Alleluia Chimes will also share their gift of music during worship.

We will offer two Christmas Eve Services this year. The first service will take place at 5:00 PM. The second service will take place at 7:00 PM.

Wednesday, January 5 we will offer an Epiphany Service of Prayers for the New Year. This will take place in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM.


We will be sending a check to Sharing Life to help them with their Christmas giving.  Sharing Life plans to bless 100 families by helping with not only Christmas food and toy needs, but by providing housing and utility assistance, too! FPC Mesquite will be accepting monetary donations in the offering plate, online or via snail mail to the church.  Our deadline is Sunday, December 12, 2021.

We continue to exceed our goals for the Monthly “100 Can Challenge”. We concluded November with 191 cans.


We had a wonderful gathering in November when the Men’s Council hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner again. We will have an opportunity to fellowship on Sunday, December 12, following the Christmas Program given by children and youth.

Christian Education (Spiritual Formation):

The return of “Wednesday Night Live”:  The Christian Education Committee is exploring the return of this program to the life of the church. The first session would take place from Wednesday, January 12 to Wednesday, February 23. Stay tuned for more information.

Mission Support:

Thank you to all who made a pledge or commitment during our Stewardship Campaign. The Deacons will soon approve a proposed budget from the Stewardship Work Group. The Session will then give final approval. This will be reported at the Annual Meeting on January 30, 2022. The work on Wilbanks Hall continues. We hope to be fully operational in the new year. For now, we are able to use the Fellowship Hall for gatherings. We are grateful.

As we conclude our year, we want to give a special “thank you” to the Elders and Deacons and the Trustee from the Class of 2021. They will conclude their service at the end of December. Please be sure and show your appreciation. Diane Beal, Dave Edling, Meg GarverHamilton, Phil Johnson, Martha Sheppard-Mahaffey, and Ann Smith served as Ruling Elders. Terri Bragg, Anne Grills, David Howard, Robbie Lee, and Phil Wright served as  Deacons. Nick Scholl does complete the fulfillment of a partial term as Deacon. He will return to the Diaconate to serve a full term in January. Jerry Jones served as a Trustee.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

pastor’s blog


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“It is the Fourth Quarter, and we are all tired.” I heard this observation from a friend recently. The challenges included those related to jobs, children, and their activities, navigating some relationships, and normal household tasks. These words also reflected navigating life in this chapter of the Pandemic. This friend is in a place where the questions “to mask or not to mask” and “to vax or not to vax” dominate. Also, this friend is navigating different expectations in different locations. This friend is tired.

Maybe you can identify with my friend. As I reflected on my friend’s lament, I could see signs of “Pandemic Stressed and Tired Syndrome” all around me. This syndrome seems to cover the spectrum. For a community of faith, we have these words of     Scripture and words of folk wisdom to guide us as we conclude 2021.

*“Be Kind, Everyone You Meet is Facing a Battle”. I have heard this pearl of wisdom given many times. Remember, we are all tired from the Pandemic. Also, many of this church’s families have faced acute challenges recently.

*Galatians 5:22-23 “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,   patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…” We can seek the Holy Spirit to guide us in our actions.

*Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Maybe the best remedy for us is to reach out to those with greater challenges. Even if one is tired, serving another person in need can actually give energy.

*II Corinthians 4:16 “So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day”. Actually, all of Chapter 4 gives good insights.

As I write these words we are in the last week of October. After the fun that surrounds this time of year, we get a short break. Then, we will be in the joys of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and New Year. I do see 2022 as a positive year to rebuild. Let us all give one another the space and grace we need to make it through this last chapter. Let us focus on the joy of what is before us-even as we find joy in these challenging times. 


October 31 we will honor those who have gone before us in the past year with an All Saints Litany. This will       include members of the church family and of the extended church family. We will also mark the Protestant       Reformation.

November 7: We will celebrate Communion, we will acknowledge of Veterans, and we will Dedicate our pledges for the coming year.

November 14: We will hear from the Gideons.

November 21: We will conclude the Church Calendar as we mark Christ the King Sunday. It is also a time when we will look to Thanksgiving. Finally, it is also known as Stir Up Sunday. You have to show up to find out more about that fact.

November 28: We will mark the First Sunday of Advent-and the start of a new liturgical year. Christ the King-and Stir Up Sunday-and Thanksgiving Sunday; Advent will be upon us.


We had a great turn out for Address Mesquite on October 2. We also had a pretty good turn our for the Blood     Mobile on October 10. As we move into November and December, we will have opportunities to support Sharing Life and its work around the holidays.


The October Picnic and Vespers Service returned on October 3. We fellowshipped for the first time since February 2020. It was a great opportunity for those who attended. You can see some of the pictures in this newsletter. If the way be clear, we will have a Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 21. The Men’s Council will over see the event. This year we will have a short Thanksgiving Service as our program. This should mark our return to Wilbanks Hall.

Christian Education (Spiritual Formation):

The Youth met on October 9 for fellowship and a humorous movie at the Pitchfork Pumpkin Patch near Royse City. Faith Builders returned there on October 24 for Pumpkin Patch fun. Look at the calendar for upcoming activities.

Mission Support :

Dedication Sunday will take place on Sunday, November 7. This will be a day when those who have yet to make their pledge-or make a commitment-may do so.

Wilbanks Hall restoration is almost complete. If the way be clear we will be able to hold our Thanksgiving Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


“The Golden Rod is Yellow; the corn is turning brown; the trees in apple orchards with fruit are bending down. By all these lovely tokens, September days are here, with summer’s best of weather, and autumn’s best of cheer”. My pastoral colleague and friend Joshua Long shares this poem just about every fall. He learned it from his grandmother. While September can seem like August Part Two in Texas, we have begun a new season. School-and Football-have returned in full force. Our minds have turned to Fall Festivals and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and yes, even now, to Christmas. We have many days to enjoy. However, this is the “Harvest” phase of the year. It is a time to reap the work of what has gone before, to celebrate the present, and to begin to build for 2022.

October 3 we will officially begin our 2022 Stewardship Campaign. “‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former’ says the Lord of hosts.” These words come from the Prophet Haggai. The Hebrew people had returned in successive waves from Babylon. The people had spent 70 years in exile. Most of those who came to the Promised Land were born in captivity. The people began to rebuild the Temple during those early days of the Return. However, they did not complete the job. Eighteen years later Haggai encouraged the people to get on with the task. It took some doing, however, in the end they built a new temple.

We began 2021 inspired with such words as: recalculate, renew, and rebuild. We had hope with the vaccines. We had the confidence to return to two services and to add some trappings of worship from before. We had setbacks-“Snowmaggedon” and the Delta Variant are just two of them. We make progress, we have challenges, and then we get back to work. 2021 is a year to recalculate, renew, and rebuild. It is a year to lay the foundation. We can look to 2022 as a time to complete the work and a time to see something new take place. As always some things will remain the same. Yet, what we create in a post-Pandemic world will be different. We will not go back to February 2020. During the next several weeks we will hear about new opportunities for 2022. I invite you to listen, to ponder, to pray, and then to respond as we seek to build a new church in a new world.  

Worship: We continue to gather at 8:45 and 11 AM on Sunday. We are also making a few steps back to a more recognizable pattern. Sunday, October 3 we will celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday. We will offer Traditional Communion as well as the Miracle Meal Communion kits. Also, as of September 26 the Bibles, Hymnals, and Attendance Pads are back in the pews. Special thanks goes to Renee and Edie who made the hymns and scriptures available to us over the past eighteen months.

Mission: We continue to exceed the 100 Can Challenge. Address Mesquite will take place on October 2. Once again FPC Mesquite will be present. We will host another Blood Mobile on October 17. The Mission Committee met September 22 to dream big dreams for 2022. Despite the many challenges of the pandemic, we have continued to serve our community.

Christian Education: The Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E Youth met again this month. Both groups will begin to meet on a regular basis. Sunday School continues to operate. Adults have their online option with Steve Leake as well. Though it is September-we are already looking to 2022 and what could take place then.

Fellowship and Congregational Care: Fellowship Gatherings will return!!! Saturday, October 2 we will gather at 4 PM at Town Center Park. This year the church will provide box meals and canned/bottled drinks. Games will be available. Ben Clifton will help lead us in our Vespers Service.

Mission Support: Slowly but surely the Wilbanks Hall Repair Project is nearing completion. I hope to report in November that it is finished. See the pictures of the latest progress.


October 3: The Church at Thyatira, Revelation 2:18-29

October 10: The Church at Sardis, Revelation 3:1-6

October 17: The Church at Philadelphia, Revelation 3:7-13

October 24: The Church Laodicea, Revelation 3:14-22

October 31: The Church at the Crossroads, Ephesians 2:8-9

November 7: The Glory of the Second Temple, Haggai 2:6-9




Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“The Lord is Good, a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble, and He Knows Those Who Take Refuge in Him” (Nahum 1:7). I have returned to this verse many times over the years. While it seems that we are now beyond The Day of Trouble, we are still in Troubling Days. Based on the recent Dallas County Mandate and in consideration of the recent Delta Variant, the Session voted to return to our own Mask Mandate. That felt like a disappointing setback. We have also postponed a return to traditional communion. That is also disappointing. The Session will make periodic reviews. However, there is also progress. We continue to engage in the core areas of Worship, Faith Formation, and Mission. There are plans to fellowship again. We are moving ahead with our grounds and our Mission Action Plan for 2022 (Stewardship).

Worship: Originally, we planned to end “COVID Style” communion on August 1. However, in light current concerns and data, we have moved the date back. Now Sunday, October 5 we plan to   return to our traditional communion format. For September 5 each attendee can pick up a communion kit when he or she enters from a table. The attendee will take the kit to his/her seat. The kits have wrapped wafers and juice. I will break bread and pour the cup from the chancel. We have Choir members who have returned to practice. We have seen a return to Special Music.

Christian Education (Faith Formation): The Faith Builders are  reignited. They have met in July and August. Fellowship events for them are planned through the Fall. We had an exceptional VBS. Sunday School is still taking place. The Youth gathered for an End of Summer Pool Party. Their fall schedule will be published soon. We have the YouTube edition of the Discipleship Class offered to the entire church.

Mission: The Youth worked August 4-6 from 9 AM to 12 Noon at Sharing Life. They distributed food and smiles and warm greetings to clients as they drove through. Also, Eastminster Presbyterian has asked if the Youth can help with their Christmas Fair again. Once again, we are helping our neighbor schools-Florence Black Elementary and Agnew Middle school-with school supplies. We continue to engage in our “Good Neighbor” practices.

The repair work for Wilbanks Hall is in full swing. All that we plan is subject to change these days. However, a Fall with Activity is in the works. Just look at the list below.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, September 26: We begin our Stewardship Campaign –

“The Latter Splendor of this House Shall be Greater than the Former.”

Saturday, October 2: Addressing Mesquite Day

Sunday, October 3: “If the way be clear”, we will gather again as a Church Family on Sunday, October 3.  That afternoon we will celebrate our Fall Picnic and Vespers. Stay tuned for further updates.

Saturday, October 23: The Garage Sale Returns! It will take place from 9 AM-3 PM.

Saturday, October 30: Fall Festival-This year we plan to hold it from 1 PM-3 PM

Saturday, November 5: The Christmas Bazaar is now the Fall Bazaar. It will take place in the parking lot. This will be hosted by the Women’s Retreat.

Despite all the challenges of now almost eighteen months, despite these Troubling Days, I return to three principles. First, the Lord is Good. I believe that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Second, I     believe the Lord is a Stronghold. The Lord has guided us thus far. We are more open and active than many   churches. Third, I believe knows us as we take refuge in Him. I believe that First Presbyterian Mesquite is still known. We see through a mirror dimly. However, I believe that through these circumstances something new and good will come.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings!!! After a July sabbatical (hence a June-July issue), our newsletter returns.

We began “Back to Church 2.0” on July 4. We returned to two services. We offer Summer Sunday School. We are mask optional. During the weeks to come we will, if the way be clear, relax the  precautions we have used now for just over a year. During the next several weeks we will begin again in so many ways.

In the meantime-reflect on this: August can be more like a suburb of September rather than a summer month. It is easy to get caught up in back-to-school and the start of related activities. It will take effort to enjoy the gift of this month. I encourage you to take some moments to use August as a summer month. To take time to rest. Take time to remember the past, to re-evaluate your present, and to reflect on the future.

From The Prayers of Peter Marshall:
“Thanksgiving-on a Summer’s Day”

“We give Thee thanks, Lord of heaven and earth, for the promise of summer, for the beauty of this day
-a day that shall ripen grain, that shall provide good things for the table,
that shall make all growing things rejoice, that shall make more sweet the music of the birds,
that shall make more beautiful the gardens which Thou has planted and watered.
We thank Thee for the fertility of the land that encourages us to sow and to plant.
We thank Thee for the dependence of the seasons, for all Thy sustaining providence by which men (and women)
work today and harvest tomorrow. We well know, our Father, that we are not worthy of Thy bounty, but help us to be good stewards of that bounty. We thank Thee for the endless delight of our lives on this lovely earth. Amen.”

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton



Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings!!! After a July sabbatical (hence a June-July issue), our newsletter returns.

We began “Back to Church 2.0” on July 4. We returned to two services. We offer Summer Sunday School. We are mask optional. During the weeks to come we will, if the way be clear, relax the  precautions we have used now for just over a year. During the next several weeks we will begin again in so many ways.

In the meantime-reflect on this: August can be more like a suburb of September rather than a summer month. It is easy to get caught up in back-to-school and the start of related activities. It will take effort to enjoy the gift of this month. I encourage you to take some moments to use August as a summer month. To take time to rest. Take time to remember the past, to re-evaluate your present, and to reflect on the future.

From The Prayers of Peter Marshall:
“Thanksgiving-on a Summer’s Day”

“We give Thee thanks, Lord of heaven and earth, for the promise of summer, for the beauty of this day
-a day that shall ripen grain, that shall provide good things for the table,
that shall make all growing things rejoice, that shall make more sweet the music of the birds,
that shall make more beautiful the gardens which Thou has planted and watered.
We thank Thee for the fertility of the land that encourages us to sow and to plant.
We thank Thee for the dependence of the seasons, for all Thy sustaining providence by which men (and women)
work today and harvest tomorrow. We well know, our Father, that we are not worthy of Thy bounty, but help us to be good stewards of that bounty. We thank Thee for the endless delight of our lives on this lovely earth. Amen.”

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


April 2023

Dear First Presbyterian Family,
Easter will be upon us in April. We will mark the joy of Palm   Sunday on April 2. We will remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, April 6.  We will honor the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday, April 7. We will celebrate the resurrection on Easter, April 9. There are many faithful ways to approach Holy Week. We can use this time to reflect on the crucifixion. We can focus on God’s love for us. We can lean more deeply into our faith. We can find joy in the victory of resurrection. Music plays a significant role in the way we mark, remember,   honor, and celebrate. Music aids us as we reflect, focus, learn, and find joy in significant milestones of faith. Below are lines of Easter hymns and hymns inspired by moments of Easter for your inspiration.
Reflecting on the Crucifixion: When I Survey the Wondrous Cross Forbid it, Lord, that I should boast, Save in the death of Christ my God! All the vain things that charm me most, I sacrifice them to His blood.
Focusing on God’s Love: In Christ Alone In Christ alone my hope is found, is my light, my strength, my song. This Cornerstone, this solid ground Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
Leaning on Faith: Blessed Assurance This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long; This is my story, this is my song, Praising my Savior all the day long.
The Joy of the Victory: Crown Him with Many Crowns Crown Him the Lord of Heav’n One with the Father known. One with the Spirit through Him giv’n From yonder glorious throne.
Thank you for your continued prayers and support.
Jones Doughton  



Dear First Presbyterian Family,

I wrote these words on January 31, 2023. A Wintry Mix has many of us at home. I pray that you all are safe and warm at this time.

I want to share just a few thoughts that come to mind. First, as we are in the midst of a winter storm-pray for those who need to be outside. Please pray for Sharing Life and W.A.R.M-the emergency shelter. Second, as this is the month of love, be sure and pray for family and friends. Maybe this is a time to reconnect with a friend you have not seen. Third, as this is the shortest month of the year, it makes me think of time. Pray for good use of time. Shelter from the cold, connection with friends and loved ones, and good use of time-these are three needs that are on my heart and mind at this time. Take care and see you on Sunday!

 JOIN US FOR 2023 Holy Week

April 2: Palm Sunday

April 6: Maundy Thursday

April 7: Good Friday

April 9: Easter Sunday

We have several Worship highlights in February. We will celebrate Communion on Sunday, February 5 at both services. The choir will present at both services on Sunday, February 12. We will hold our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 PM on February 22.

We will gather again for Fellowship on Sunday, February 26. We will hear a Men’s Choir from an Adult Program of Teen Challenge. This is a Christ-based program of recovery. They will present songs and stories. We will gather again on Sunday, March 19. We will celebrate the Mission of the church as part of our program. Speaking of Mission, we will host a Blood Mobile on March 19. Also, remember, we continue to hold our 100 Can Challenge for each month.

Christian Education continues to take place on Sunday mornings in our Sunday School Classes. Dr. Carol Stephenson will continue to lead a study on Wednesday Night Live February 8 and 15. We will offer a meal on February 22 before the Service. A Lent Study will take place on March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support,

Jones Doughton


Please note what we have in store for the months ahead.

For Worship, we will celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday on October 2. We will mark All Saints Day and Reformation Sunday on October 30. November 6 will serve as our Dedication Sunday as well as Communion    Sunday. November 13 we will have a moment for Remembrance Sunday. This will be a time to thank those who have served in the Armed Forces.

We had a good time of Fellowship at our September 18, Lemonade on the Lawn. Our Church Picnic returns on  October 2, at the Town Center Park in Sunnyvale. The Men’s Council will prepare another Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday, November 20. We also can fellowship as we engage in mission and outreach. We will have another opportunity for outreach through Addressing Mesquite Day on October 1. Then, many will be able to give the Gift of Life on October 9, at the Carter BloodCare Mobile Unit. Then, on Saturday, October 29, the Fall Festival will take place under the leadership of Suzanne Ivy.

October 2, also marks two big steps for the congregation. First, the congregation will elect new Church Officers. Please be in prayer for our Elder nominees: Roger Foltz, Linda Fricke, John Kusewitt, Paul Luce, Gina Villafana, and Bennett Doughton (Youth Elder). Those nominated for Deacon: John Futrell, Rodney Graham, Patty Kim, and Alberto   Villafana (Youth Deacon). Our nominee for Trustee:  H. C. (Pete) Allen, Jr.  Also, we will launch our Stewardship Season “The Art of Gratitude” on October 2.

We continue our Discipleship Journey through Christian EducationWednesday Night Live will continue through the month. Rev. Doughton will offer Episode Two of his Four Part Holy Land Presentation. The month opens with “Sepphoris”: The City Jesus Never Mentioned…But Must Have Seen.” Brenda Greer will lead the youth and children on a culinary adventure on October 5. November 2 will be the time to prepare the College Care Packages. Our youth will host the Eastminster Presbyterian Youth on October 16. Also, looking ahead, Youth Bell Practice will return Sunday, November 6 at 9:30 AM. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support, Jones Doughton

JUNE / JULY 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“Summertime and the living is easy.” That song comes to mind as I approach June and the year’s summer block. I also return to that line from Ecclesiastes, “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”    Summer is upon us and the pattern of life changes again.  During June the youth will go on their mission trip with other Grace Presbytery Youth. We will have our Vacation Bible School.

July will be our “Sabbatical Month”. There will be no called meetings for any committees or Church Officers. While I will use some of that time for a family vacation, I also want to use that block to plan, to read, reflect, and prepare for the fall. My prayer is that we will take time this summer to rest truly. May this be a summer of great fun and great rest for you. 

Worship: We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip. We will look at some of the Beatitudes this summer. After my trip to the Mount of the Beatitudes, I have much to ponder.

Christian Education: Exciting opportunities, Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is also exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer. Rally Day, the Blessing of the Backpacks, and a celebration to kick off the new school year and Church School year will take place in August. 

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: We have enjoyed many formats for Fellowship over the past several months.  During the summer there will be opportunities to fellowship at VBS. There will also be an after-church social in August to mark the re-opening in full of       Wilbanks Hall and Rally Day.

Mission Support: “Moving Ahead” is our goal for the summer months. The Property Committee has had the sprinklers repaired. We can water the grounds and the foundation again. The committee is looking into better locks for the sanctuary entry. There are other improvement projects on the horizon. Our goal is to complete the final punch list items for Wilbanks Hall by the end of July.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

Sermon Schedule:

June 5: “Power”, Acts 2:1-8; Pentecost

June 12: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

June 19: “The Poor in Spirit”, Matthew 5:3

June 26: “Those Who Mourn”, Matthew 5:4

July 3: “The Peacemakers” Matthew 5:9

July 10: “The Little People”, Matthew 5:5

July 17: “Those Who Hunger and Thirst”, Matthew 5:6

July 24: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

July 31: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

pastor’s blog

May 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

By the time this article goes to print, I will be in the Holy Land. This trip is part of a three-year Learning Cohort. The sponsoring ministry is now called The Ministry Collaborative Back in 2018, I learned that a friend nominated me to participate. These ministerial learning cohorts gather ministers from different backgrounds, perspectives, and denominations to learn in a group setting over three years. We began in 2019 and we planned to take this trip in the spring of 2020. Since the pandemic began we met by Zoom until December 2021. Since then we have met by Zoom or in person based on the current status of the pandemic. This trip will now be part of our conclusion.

We will fly out of Dallas/Fort Worth on Monday, April 25. We will return on Saturday, May 7. Our trip will take us to Tel Aviv, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem, and      Jerusalem. It will take some time to fully process all that will have taken place. After a season of reflection, there will be much to tell.

As we enter May I reflect on the past four months. We have returned to more typical worship services for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We have continued to ease back into regular Fellowship Gatherings. We continue to plan more regular events for Christian Education. Our Easter Egg Hunt not only ministered to our children, but we were also able to reach out to the community. I saw Easter Sunday as a celebration on many levels. We have restored much to our lives as a church family. Now we can reinvent. The next several months should be very exciting indeed. See you all on May 8! 

Worship will be diverse in May. Rev. Jim Witherow will lead in worship and celebrate Holy Communion with you all on May 1. The Jubilate Ringers will present special music again. The Confirmands will join the church on May 8. We will honor our Seniors on May 15. Our traditional “Memorial Day Service” will take place on May 22. Rev. Craig Krueger will return to the pulpit on May 29. We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip.  

Christian Education: Our Faith Builders and L.I.F.E Youth have active plans for the spring and early summer. Both groups plan for some “End of School Year Fun” during the May 22 fellowship event. Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer as well. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising the funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: . We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: Mark your calendar now for May 22. We will enjoy lunch after the 11 AM worship service. Events for Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E. Youth will take place in connection with the event. This will be a big day to mark the final countdown to the end of the school year.

Mission Support: “How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb?” As you can see from the pictures, we had a “committee” to oversee a new light bulb in the steeple. Our Spring Clean Day on Saturday, April 9 went well. Restoration Solutions continues to knock out the last steps on Wilbanks Hall. Again-thank you for your support. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

pastor’s blog – april 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Sunday, March 20 we welcomed Spring 2022. I am writing on the first official days of the season. We have had warmth and cold,  sunshine and rain, fair weather, and foul-and all in just a few days. The days are turning and new seasons are upon us. Currently, we are in the midst of Lent. I want to commend the following prayers to you for Holy Week (April 10-April 17). They come from the Book of Common Worship.

April 10-Palm Sunday: Merciful God, as we enter Holy Week and gather at Your house of prayer, turn our hearts again to Jerusalem, to the life, death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, that united with Christ and all the faithful we may one day enter in triumph the city not made by human hands, the new Jerusalem, eternal in the heavens, wherewith You and the Holy Spirit, Christ lives in glory forever.

April 11-Monday: Gracious God; Out of Your love and mercy, You breathed into dust the breath of life, creating us to serve You and our neighbors. Call forth our prayers and acts of tenderness, and strengthen us to face our mortality; that we may reach with confidence for Your mercy; in Jesus Christ our Lord.

April 12-Tuesday: Almighty God, Whose Son fasted forty days in the wilderness, and was tempted as we are but did not sin: Give us grace to discipline ourselves in submission to Your Spirit, that as You know our weakness, so we may know Your power to save; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

April 13-Wednesday: God of mercy, You are full of tenderness and compassion, slow to anger, rich in graciousness, and always ready to forgive. Grant us grace to renounce all evil and to cling to Christ, that in every way we may prove to be Your loving children; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

April 14-Maundy Thursday: Holy God, source of all love, on the night of His betrayal Jesus gave His disciples a new commandment, to love one another as He loved them. Write this commandment in our hearts; give us the will to serve others as He was the servant of all, Who gave His life and died for us, yet He is alive now and forever.

April 15-Good Friday: Merciful God, You gave Your Son to suffer the shame of the cross. Save us from hardness of heart, that seeing Him who died for us, we may repent, confess our sin, and receive Your overflowing love, to  Jesus Christ our Lord.

April 16-Holy Saturday: Eternal God, in Jesus Christ You have given the light of life to all the world. Sanctify this new fire and inflame us with a desire to shine forth and the brightness of Christ’s rising, until we feast at the banquet of eternal light; through Jesus Christ, the Sun of Righteousness.

April 17-Easter Sunday: Glory to You, O God, Who on this day won victory over death, raising Jesus from the grave and giving us eternal life. Glory to You, O Christ, Who for us and for our salvation overcame death and opened the gate to everlasting life. Glory to You, O Holy Spirit, Who lead us into the truth. Glory to You, O blessed Trinity, now and forever. Amen.

Worship: Will be vibrant in April. We will have a Lent Cantata on April 3. For the first time since 2019, we will have a procession of children, youth, and choir members at both services on Palm Sunday, April 10. The choir will share music at both services. We will observe our traditional Maundy Thursday again in the Fellowship Hall on April 14. We will gather in the sanctuary on April 15 for the Good Friday Service.  On April 17 we will mark Easter. Students from the MISD will share music with their brass instruments. On April 24 the youth will lead us in worship at both services. May 1, Rev. Jim Witherow will lead in worship and celebrate Holy Communion with you all. We will also hear the Jubilate Ringers again.

Christian Education: The Easter Egg Hunt will take place on April 16. Our interim Sunday School format will continue through the late Spring. Our Faith Builders and L.I.F.E Youth have active plans for the spring and early summer. Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer as well. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. Over 20 people showed up to give blood on March 20. We enjoyed a fellowship meal in March that highlighted some of our mission support. The youth are currently raising the funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: We have slowly reengaged with fellowship events since October. Mark your calendar now for May 22. We will enjoy lunch after the 11 AM worship service. Events for Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E. Youth will take place in connection with the event. This will be a big day to mark the final countdown to the end of the school year.

Mission Support: Our Spring Clean Day is Saturday, April 9 at 9 AM. This will be a time to tidy up the grounds. Also, we had the land surveyed behind the former manse for sale. Surveyors are in high demand these days. We lined up the survey over two months in advance. We should be able to proceed with the sale in the next few weeks. Finally, Restoration Solutions continues to knock out the last steps on Wilbanks Hall.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Lent will begin for us on Wednesday, March 2. I want to suggest three strategies for this season: Give Up, Give Out, or Give In. First, there is Give Up. People often give up such things as sweets or caffeine. Some people give up Social   Media. An alternative is to use social media in a very limited way. This could mean one only checks in for birthdays. Some people give up television. Ideally, one uses that as self-discipline and self-reflection.

Second, there is Give Out. I once heard a pastor encourage people to do something for others during this season. These could be acts of service for others. It could be a time to write letters to representatives about policies near and dear to your heart. One person made a list of ten friends. During Lent, this person prayed for each person every day. After Easter, each person got an “I prayed for you during Lent” letter. One person told me that he made a list of people who had helped him along the way. Then, during Lent, he wrote each one a letter thanking him or her for the special investment.            

Third, there is a Give In. This can overlap with the other two I mentioned. By this, I mean that one takes on a special discipline. Instead of spending an hour on Social Media, one prays through a special list. Instead of spending money on soft drinks (or soda as some call it), that money is given to a mission. One can read a book on faith reflections. I can make suggestions for reading material. One can take prayer walks-just a ten-minute stroll on your street or a stroll during lunch break.

As you can see, there is an overlap between these three approaches: Give Up, Give Out, and Give In. I encourage you all to find a path during Lent that involves one or more of these strategies. My hope and prayers are that each path will lead us closer to Jesus Christ.

Worship: We will mark the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Service on March 2. It will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.  This will be our first such service since 2020.

Christian Education: We continue to offer Sunday School in our transitional format. Faith Builders and the Youth have good spring schedules. You can find their events listed in the newsletter. As we approach Lent, let me ask this question: Are you interested in a short-term mid-week Lenten Study? If the interest is there, I will lead a five-week Lenten Study on the following Wednesdays: March 16, 23, 30, April 6, and 13 at 10 AM. If you are interested, please respond with “yes, I will make that commitment” to the church office. We need at least six people to commit for the group to launch. 

Mission: Our next Blood Mobile will take place on March 13. We continue to exceed our monthly goal with the 100 Can Challenge. Fellowship and Mission will work together on March 20. Our Fellowship Meal will focus on some of the Missions supported by this church. We will have speakers and displays from Sharing Life here in Mesquite; Evergreen, a ministry serving the mentally challenged; and Rev. Rob Leischner of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian-Dallas will speak about the East Dallas Partnership with El Norte Synod in Guatemala

Mission Support: As I write these words (on a Wednesday on an Ice Day) we are looking to a completed Christian Education Building and Wilbanks Hall. There remain some punch list items. However, we should be able to use the Fellowship Hall in full soon. Furniture and supplies are ordered. By late spring we should be able to use the building in full. 

We approved the sale of two acres behind the former manse back in October. This land will go to Open Door Baptist. We will use the proceeds for improvements to the buildings and grounds. Presbytery approved the sale in principle. The land will be surveyed on March 22. If the way be clear a contract can be written and signed by the end of April.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Ground Hog Day is upon us! February 2 is the day where we “learn” if Spring is on the way or if we have six more weeks of Winter. Though February can be a brutal month for us (remember Snow-mageddon?), this month does mark a turn to spring. I could tell a real difference in the morning light during my running days in Virginia. Come February 2 “O Dark 30” was not as dark as it had been. In fact, in some cultures, February 2 marked Spring. For such times and places, February 2 was the day to put away the old of winter and fully embrace the new year.

However, we all know that February is known for the big day in the middle: Valentine’s Day. That leads me every year to the famous “Love Chapter”-I Corinthians 13. I have copied it below this paragraph. I heard a speaker share a great insight about this chapter. The chapter describes love in its ideal state. This chapter also describes God’s love for us. You can read through this passage and insert the phrase “God’s love for me is” when you see the word “love”. “God’s love for me is patient.” “God’s love for us is kind.” “God’s love for First Presbyterian Mesquite bears all things and endures all things”. I encourage you to read through this chapter again with that understanding. Give yourself time to reflect on that truth.

“If I speak in the tongues of mortals and of angels, but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal. 2 And if I have prophetic powers, and understand all mysteries and all knowledge, and if I have all faith, so as to remove mountains, but do not have love, I am nothing. 3 If I give away all my possessions, and if I hand over my body so that I may boast, but do not have love, I gain nothing. 4 Love is patient; love is kind; love is not envious or boastful or arrogant 5 or rude. It does not insist on its own way; it is not irritable or resentful; 6 it does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices in the truth. 7 It bears all things, believes all things, hopes all things, endures all things. 8 Love never ends. But as for prophecies, they will come to an end; as for tongues, they will cease; as for knowledge, it will come to an end. 9 For we know only in part, and we prophesy only in part; 10 but when the complete comes, the partial will come to an end. 11 When I was a child, I spoke like a child, I thought like a child, I reasoned like a child; when I became an adult, I put an end to childish ways. 

12 For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then we will see face to face. Now I know only in part; then I will know fully, even as I have been fully known. 13 And now faith, hope, and love abide, these three; and the greatest of these is love.”

January is behind us it is time to move forward into 2022 full on and full out!

Keep in mind these developments for February and the first weeks of March. For Worship, we will continue our look at Revelation. March 6 will be our First   Sunday in Lent. Ash Wednesday will take place on March 2. There will be a Special Service in the Sanctuary at 6:30 p.m. Christian Education: Sunday School continues in its current format. Faith Builders will meet at 4:30 p.m. on Sunday, February 27. They will have an adult-led photo scavenger hunt around the square in downtown Mesquite. We have set the dates for Vacation Bible School: June 26-June 30. The next Fellowship event will be a dinner on Sunday, February 27. Mission includes the Souper Bowl of Caring on February 13. On that day, please bring a can of food or a dollar (or any amount of money). All proceeds will go to Sharing Life. We have good news on the Mission Support front. It looks like we will have full use of Wilbanks Hall by the end of the month. For other updates-please see my Annual Report in this newsletter.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings, I first spoke at an Annual Dinner on January 28, 2018. I stood perched on a new chapter in the Great State of Texas. That year I had it easy. We simply looked at the 2017 report written by Harry. I also shared a few thoughts for the coming year. Now I stand before you all on January 30, 2022, for my fourth “State of the Church” presentation as we begin our fifth year together.

Two biblical images come to mind as I look back on 2021. First, there is the call of Abraham. The story has a       prologue. First, his father Terah heard the call to leave the great city of Ur and move upriver to Harran. The family faithfully moved to that place. Later, Abraham heard the call to leave Harran, and his familiar culture, to go to The Promised Land.

Second, I think of the Return from Exile. The Return took place over 90 years and as our different groups came to the Promised Land from the Place of Exile in Babylon. Two major projects took place during the Return. They are recorded in the Bible as first, the Rebuilding of the Wall by Nehemiah. That project took place fairly quickly and neatly. The second recorded project was the Building of the Second Temple. We read of the start of the project in Ezra. It took twenty years to complete the project. It took place in fits and starts and for some years nothing took place. The prophet Haggai encouraged the people to finish the work. 

What does this mean for us?

Like Abraham, we have spent time in a Harran, maybe even two or three “Harrans”, over the past two years. We went to shelter in place in 2020. We began to cautiously re-engage in a different setting later that year. That model developed to a new pattern in the middle of 2021. As we enter 2022-we are making some deliberate efforts to move to a new place. In each instance, we were in a faithful place. Then, at the appointed time we made a move. Abraham lived faithfully in Harran. Then, he followed Divine Direction and he went to the Promised Land.

Like the Second Temple, our return to the Promised Land is coming in fits and starts. The ongoing repair work in Wilbanks Hall has taken time. Fellowship events took place in Wilbanks Hall. Then we realized we needed to back off until more work is done. We have begun to make plans for other gatherings-and then we have had to pivot and turn in light of developments. Below are other examples of what we have done and what we hope to accomplish.

Worship: We have transitioned from three services to two in July. We held our traditional Lent/Holy Week series of services. Through technology, we heard the choir sing the Hallelujah Chorus on Easter.  Over this fall the choir returned. We had a Christmas Cantata. Handbells will rise again. The younger disciples have presented special music in January. They will do so again in the late Spring. We plan to have special music at Easter.

Christian Education: The Youth and Faith Builders met during the year. We held a modified Vacation Bible School in August. The youth volunteered each morning at Sharing Life. This July Sunday School returned. As I write these words the Christian Education Committee is making plans for the New Year, among other things.

Mission: We met our Benevolence Goals for the third year in a row. We had exceeded our 100 Can Challenge every month. We continue to sponsor Blood Mobiles. We supported the WARM initiative of Sharing Life. This emergency cold weather shelter housed eighty people during “Snow-mageddon”. The Garage Sale supplemented our benevolences again. We hosted a successful daytime Fall Festival. The Mission Committee has set some impressive goals for the new year.

Fellowship: We fellowshipped again in October at the park in Sunnyvale. We had a wonderful time. The church gathered again in November, under the leadership of the Men’s Council. The Fellowship Committee hosted a gathering after the Christmas Program in December. We plan to have a full slate of gatherings when Wilbanks Hall is finished. The Women’s Retreat will return in March. The Men’s Retreat at Mo-Ranch is on schedule in May.

Mission Support: We had a good response to our Fall Stewardship Campaign. We are poised for a strategic advance in 2023. My vision is to see us re-enter Wilbanks Hall in the next few months. We should close on the sale of the two acres behind the former manse. We will put that money to work. The Property Committee will develop a list of repair and upgrade projects for the year ahead. We will continue to strengthen the support system for this outpost of Mission and Hope on this corner in Mesquite.

The Conclusion: The Temple project continues as we journey to a new Harran. We will establish new or tweak existing patterns. For example, the Session and Deacons returned to meeting separately in January. For eighteen months they had met together in a Joint Officers Meeting. Now they are learning how to meet as single bodies again. In many ways, we at First Presbyterian will learn, yet again, how to respond to our new environment.

Thank you all for your continued support. 

Rev. Dr. E. Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“And I said to the man who stood at the gate of the year: ‘Give me a light that I may tread safely into the unknown.’ And he replied: ‘Go out into the darkness and put your hand into the Hand of God. That shall be to you better than light and safer than a known way.’” Those words were spoken by King George VI as part of his 1939 Christ-mas Broadcast. I have returned to those words from the poem, “God Knows” for the past several years. They mean more to me now than they have ever meant before.
We began 2021 with three services on Sunday and some meetings taking place in controlled settings. We adapted traditions for the spring. This summer we returned to two services and we introduced Sunday School in a transitional format. We navigated our way through appropriate precautions. The Men’s Council, Youth, and Faith Builders began to meet with regularity. We returned to Address Mesquite in October. The Garage Sale, Fall Festival, the Christmas Bazaar, and Thanksgiving Meal by the Men’s Council all returned. The youth and children presented a Christmas Program. We also faced “Snowmaggedon”. As I write Wilbanks Hall is still being repaired. However, we were able to use it for Thanksgiving and Christmas. There is a light at the end of the tunnel.
As we look to 2022, we look with caution as well as hope. In the weeks ahead more definitive plans will come to pass. We will navigate our way to another pattern. As I reflect on the next few months, this post shared by Leighton Ford comes to mind: My prayer on this New Year’s Day, courtesy of Thomas Merton: “My Lord God, I have no idea where I am going. I do not see the road ahead of me. I cannot know for certain where it will end. Nor do I really know myself, and the fact that I think that I am following your will does not mean that I am actually doing so. But I believe that the desire to please you does in fact please you. And I hope I have that desire in all that I am doing. I hope that I will never do anything apart from that desire. And I know that if I do this you will lead me by the right road, though I may know nothing about it. Therefore I will trust you always though I may seem to be lost and in the shad-ow of death. I will not fear, for you are ever with me, and you will never leave me to face my perils alone.” – Thomas Merton, “Thoughts in Solitude,” (1958).

And so, let us look to the New Year with hope. Let us pray for wisdom, discretion, and courage. Let our faith lead us to act in love. Let us embrace the words of these words a friend shared with me over ten years ago: “I am the new year. I am an unspoiled page in your book of time. I am your next chance at the art of living. I am your opportunity to practice what you have learned during the last twelve months of life. In me lies the potential of all that you dreamed but did not dare to do, all that you hoped but did not perform, all that you prayed for and did not experience. I am your opportunity to renew your allegiance to Christ who said, ‘Behold, I make all things new’ Revelation 21:5. ‘Dear Lord of second chances and new beginnings, here we come again’!”
Christian Education: Currently our Sunday School program continues to operate in its “Summer School” mode. We hope to make the transition in the first quarter of the New Year. The schedule for Faith Builders and Youth will be finalized in the next few weeks. We will keep you all updated.
Fellowship: The Annual Congregational Meeting Dinner will return on Sunday, January 30.
Mission: Once again we were able to support our planned benevolences 100%. The Mission Committee has created an ambitious goal for benevolent support in 2022. There will be a Mission Emphasis in March.
Worship: We will celebrate the Ordination and Installation of our new officers on Sunday, January 2. We will celebrate Communion on January, 9. Our Service for Healing and Wholeness will return on Wednesday, January 12 at 6:30 PM. We also have a series of special music during January. We will have solos on January 2 and 9. The Alleluia Chime Choir will present on January 16. The Choir returns in full force with an anthem to share at both services on January 23.
Mission Support: The Mission Action Plan, our budget, has a strong support. The Session voted to go with an increased budget for the coming year. Details are available and will be presented at the Annual Dinner. As I write, the rebuilding process continues with our Christian Education Building-Fellowship Hall. We will return in full in 2022. The question is just when. 2022 will definitely be a year to rebuild and go forward.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

P.S. Thank you for the very gracious Christmas Love Offering. We have placed it in savings for now. We will think long and hard on the best way to put it to use. You all are very kind and encouraging and my family appreciates it very much. Thank you all again.


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Happy Advent! As we plan and prepare for Christmas we can always pray. For this month, I want to offer you this prayer from the Scottish-American Presbyterian pastor, Peter Marshall.

“We yearn, our Father, for the simple beauty of Christmas-for all the old familiar melodies and words that remind us of that great miracle when He who had made all things was one night to come as a babe, to lie in the crook of a woman’s arm.

Before such mystery, we kneel, as follow the shepherds and Wise Men to bring Thee a gift of our love-a love we confess has not always been as warm or sincere or real as it should have been. But now, on this Christmas Day, that love would find its Beloved, and from Thee receive the grace to make it pure again, warm and real.

We bring Thee our gratitude for every token of Thy love, for all the ways Thou hast heaped blessings upon us during the years that have gone.

And so we do pray, Lord Jesus, that as we celebrate Thy birthday, we may do it in a manner well-pleasing to Thee. May all we do and say, every tribute of our hearts, bring honor to Thy name, that we, Thy people, may remember Thy birth and feel Thy presence among us even yet.

May the loving kindness of Christmas not only creep into our hearts but there abide, so that not even the return to earthly cares and responsibilities, not all the festivities of our own devising may cause it to creep away weeping. May the joy and spirit of Christmas stay with us now and forever.

In the name of Jesus, Who came to save His people from their sins, even in that lovely name we pray. Amen.”


December 5, Second Sunday of Advent-Peace: We will celebrate Communion.

December 12, Third Sunday of Advent-Love: We will welcome back the Jubilate Ringers as they share their gift again.

December 19, Fourth Sunday of Advent, Joy: We will worship through a Christmas Cantata.

December 26, First Sunday of Christmas: We will worship together at one service at 11:00 AM.

January 2: We will begin the New Year with one service at 11:00 AM, we will celebrate Communion, we will mark Epiphany, and the Ordination and Installation of new Elders and Deacons.

January 9: We conclude our series on the “I Am Sayings” of Jesus. The Alleluia Chimes will also share their gift of music during worship.

We will offer two Christmas Eve Services this year. The first service will take place at 5:00 PM. The second service will take place at 7:00 PM.

Wednesday, January 5 we will offer an Epiphany Service of Prayers for the New Year. This will take place in the sanctuary at 7:00 PM.


We will be sending a check to Sharing Life to help them with their Christmas giving.  Sharing Life plans to bless 100 families by helping with not only Christmas food and toy needs, but by providing housing and utility assistance, too! FPC Mesquite will be accepting monetary donations in the offering plate, online or via snail mail to the church.  Our deadline is Sunday, December 12, 2021.

We continue to exceed our goals for the Monthly “100 Can Challenge”. We concluded November with 191 cans.


We had a wonderful gathering in November when the Men’s Council hosted a Thanksgiving Dinner again. We will have an opportunity to fellowship on Sunday, December 12, following the Christmas Program given by children and youth.

Christian Education (Spiritual Formation):

The return of “Wednesday Night Live”:  The Christian Education Committee is exploring the return of this program to the life of the church. The first session would take place from Wednesday, January 12 to Wednesday, February 23. Stay tuned for more information.

Mission Support:

Thank you to all who made a pledge or commitment during our Stewardship Campaign. The Deacons will soon approve a proposed budget from the Stewardship Work Group. The Session will then give final approval. This will be reported at the Annual Meeting on January 30, 2022. The work on Wilbanks Hall continues. We hope to be fully operational in the new year. For now, we are able to use the Fellowship Hall for gatherings. We are grateful.

As we conclude our year, we want to give a special “thank you” to the Elders and Deacons and the Trustee from the Class of 2021. They will conclude their service at the end of December. Please be sure and show your appreciation. Diane Beal, Dave Edling, Meg GarverHamilton, Phil Johnson, Martha Sheppard-Mahaffey, and Ann Smith served as Ruling Elders. Terri Bragg, Anne Grills, David Howard, Robbie Lee, and Phil Wright served as  Deacons. Nick Scholl does complete the fulfillment of a partial term as Deacon. He will return to the Diaconate to serve a full term in January. Jerry Jones served as a Trustee.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

pastor’s blog


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“It is the Fourth Quarter, and we are all tired.” I heard this observation from a friend recently. The challenges included those related to jobs, children, and their activities, navigating some relationships, and normal household tasks. These words also reflected navigating life in this chapter of the Pandemic. This friend is in a place where the questions “to mask or not to mask” and “to vax or not to vax” dominate. Also, this friend is navigating different expectations in different locations. This friend is tired.

Maybe you can identify with my friend. As I reflected on my friend’s lament, I could see signs of “Pandemic Stressed and Tired Syndrome” all around me. This syndrome seems to cover the spectrum. For a community of faith, we have these words of     Scripture and words of folk wisdom to guide us as we conclude 2021.

*“Be Kind, Everyone You Meet is Facing a Battle”. I have heard this pearl of wisdom given many times. Remember, we are all tired from the Pandemic. Also, many of this church’s families have faced acute challenges recently.

*Galatians 5:22-23 “…the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace,   patience, kindness, generosity, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control…” We can seek the Holy Spirit to guide us in our actions.

*Galatians 6:2 “Bear one another’s burdens, and in this way, you will fulfill the law of Christ.” Maybe the best remedy for us is to reach out to those with greater challenges. Even if one is tired, serving another person in need can actually give energy.

*II Corinthians 4:16 “So we do not lose heart. Even though our outer nature is wasting away, our inner nature is being renewed day by day”. Actually, all of Chapter 4 gives good insights.

As I write these words we are in the last week of October. After the fun that surrounds this time of year, we get a short break. Then, we will be in the joys of Thanksgiving, Advent, Christmas, and New Year. I do see 2022 as a positive year to rebuild. Let us all give one another the space and grace we need to make it through this last chapter. Let us focus on the joy of what is before us-even as we find joy in these challenging times. 


October 31 we will honor those who have gone before us in the past year with an All Saints Litany. This will       include members of the church family and of the extended church family. We will also mark the Protestant       Reformation.

November 7: We will celebrate Communion, we will acknowledge of Veterans, and we will Dedicate our pledges for the coming year.

November 14: We will hear from the Gideons.

November 21: We will conclude the Church Calendar as we mark Christ the King Sunday. It is also a time when we will look to Thanksgiving. Finally, it is also known as Stir Up Sunday. You have to show up to find out more about that fact.

November 28: We will mark the First Sunday of Advent-and the start of a new liturgical year. Christ the King-and Stir Up Sunday-and Thanksgiving Sunday; Advent will be upon us.


We had a great turn out for Address Mesquite on October 2. We also had a pretty good turn our for the Blood     Mobile on October 10. As we move into November and December, we will have opportunities to support Sharing Life and its work around the holidays.


The October Picnic and Vespers Service returned on October 3. We fellowshipped for the first time since February 2020. It was a great opportunity for those who attended. You can see some of the pictures in this newsletter. If the way be clear, we will have a Thanksgiving Dinner on Sunday, November 21. The Men’s Council will over see the event. This year we will have a short Thanksgiving Service as our program. This should mark our return to Wilbanks Hall.

Christian Education (Spiritual Formation):

The Youth met on October 9 for fellowship and a humorous movie at the Pitchfork Pumpkin Patch near Royse City. Faith Builders returned there on October 24 for Pumpkin Patch fun. Look at the calendar for upcoming activities.

Mission Support :

Dedication Sunday will take place on Sunday, November 7. This will be a day when those who have yet to make their pledge-or make a commitment-may do so.

Wilbanks Hall restoration is almost complete. If the way be clear we will be able to hold our Thanksgiving Dinner in the Fellowship Hall.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


“The Golden Rod is Yellow; the corn is turning brown; the trees in apple orchards with fruit are bending down. By all these lovely tokens, September days are here, with summer’s best of weather, and autumn’s best of cheer”. My pastoral colleague and friend Joshua Long shares this poem just about every fall. He learned it from his grandmother. While September can seem like August Part Two in Texas, we have begun a new season. School-and Football-have returned in full force. Our minds have turned to Fall Festivals and Halloween, Thanksgiving, and yes, even now, to Christmas. We have many days to enjoy. However, this is the “Harvest” phase of the year. It is a time to reap the work of what has gone before, to celebrate the present, and to begin to build for 2022.

October 3 we will officially begin our 2022 Stewardship Campaign. “‘The latter glory of this house will be greater than the former’ says the Lord of hosts.” These words come from the Prophet Haggai. The Hebrew people had returned in successive waves from Babylon. The people had spent 70 years in exile. Most of those who came to the Promised Land were born in captivity. The people began to rebuild the Temple during those early days of the Return. However, they did not complete the job. Eighteen years later Haggai encouraged the people to get on with the task. It took some doing, however, in the end they built a new temple.

We began 2021 inspired with such words as: recalculate, renew, and rebuild. We had hope with the vaccines. We had the confidence to return to two services and to add some trappings of worship from before. We had setbacks-“Snowmaggedon” and the Delta Variant are just two of them. We make progress, we have challenges, and then we get back to work. 2021 is a year to recalculate, renew, and rebuild. It is a year to lay the foundation. We can look to 2022 as a time to complete the work and a time to see something new take place. As always some things will remain the same. Yet, what we create in a post-Pandemic world will be different. We will not go back to February 2020. During the next several weeks we will hear about new opportunities for 2022. I invite you to listen, to ponder, to pray, and then to respond as we seek to build a new church in a new world.  

Worship: We continue to gather at 8:45 and 11 AM on Sunday. We are also making a few steps back to a more recognizable pattern. Sunday, October 3 we will celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday. We will offer Traditional Communion as well as the Miracle Meal Communion kits. Also, as of September 26 the Bibles, Hymnals, and Attendance Pads are back in the pews. Special thanks goes to Renee and Edie who made the hymns and scriptures available to us over the past eighteen months.

Mission: We continue to exceed the 100 Can Challenge. Address Mesquite will take place on October 2. Once again FPC Mesquite will be present. We will host another Blood Mobile on October 17. The Mission Committee met September 22 to dream big dreams for 2022. Despite the many challenges of the pandemic, we have continued to serve our community.

Christian Education: The Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E Youth met again this month. Both groups will begin to meet on a regular basis. Sunday School continues to operate. Adults have their online option with Steve Leake as well. Though it is September-we are already looking to 2022 and what could take place then.

Fellowship and Congregational Care: Fellowship Gatherings will return!!! Saturday, October 2 we will gather at 4 PM at Town Center Park. This year the church will provide box meals and canned/bottled drinks. Games will be available. Ben Clifton will help lead us in our Vespers Service.

Mission Support: Slowly but surely the Wilbanks Hall Repair Project is nearing completion. I hope to report in November that it is finished. See the pictures of the latest progress.


October 3: The Church at Thyatira, Revelation 2:18-29

October 10: The Church at Sardis, Revelation 3:1-6

October 17: The Church at Philadelphia, Revelation 3:7-13

October 24: The Church Laodicea, Revelation 3:14-22

October 31: The Church at the Crossroads, Ephesians 2:8-9

November 7: The Glory of the Second Temple, Haggai 2:6-9




Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“The Lord is Good, a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble, and He Knows Those Who Take Refuge in Him” (Nahum 1:7). I have returned to this verse many times over the years. While it seems that we are now beyond The Day of Trouble, we are still in Troubling Days. Based on the recent Dallas County Mandate and in consideration of the recent Delta Variant, the Session voted to return to our own Mask Mandate. That felt like a disappointing setback. We have also postponed a return to traditional communion. That is also disappointing. The Session will make periodic reviews. However, there is also progress. We continue to engage in the core areas of Worship, Faith Formation, and Mission. There are plans to fellowship again. We are moving ahead with our grounds and our Mission Action Plan for 2022 (Stewardship).

Worship: Originally, we planned to end “COVID Style” communion on August 1. However, in light current concerns and data, we have moved the date back. Now Sunday, October 5 we plan to   return to our traditional communion format. For September 5 each attendee can pick up a communion kit when he or she enters from a table. The attendee will take the kit to his/her seat. The kits have wrapped wafers and juice. I will break bread and pour the cup from the chancel. We have Choir members who have returned to practice. We have seen a return to Special Music.

Christian Education (Faith Formation): The Faith Builders are  reignited. They have met in July and August. Fellowship events for them are planned through the Fall. We had an exceptional VBS. Sunday School is still taking place. The Youth gathered for an End of Summer Pool Party. Their fall schedule will be published soon. We have the YouTube edition of the Discipleship Class offered to the entire church.

Mission: The Youth worked August 4-6 from 9 AM to 12 Noon at Sharing Life. They distributed food and smiles and warm greetings to clients as they drove through. Also, Eastminster Presbyterian has asked if the Youth can help with their Christmas Fair again. Once again, we are helping our neighbor schools-Florence Black Elementary and Agnew Middle school-with school supplies. We continue to engage in our “Good Neighbor” practices.

The repair work for Wilbanks Hall is in full swing. All that we plan is subject to change these days. However, a Fall with Activity is in the works. Just look at the list below.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, September 26: We begin our Stewardship Campaign –

“The Latter Splendor of this House Shall be Greater than the Former.”

Saturday, October 2: Addressing Mesquite Day

Sunday, October 3: “If the way be clear”, we will gather again as a Church Family on Sunday, October 3.  That afternoon we will celebrate our Fall Picnic and Vespers. Stay tuned for further updates.

Saturday, October 23: The Garage Sale Returns! It will take place from 9 AM-3 PM.

Saturday, October 30: Fall Festival-This year we plan to hold it from 1 PM-3 PM

Saturday, November 5: The Christmas Bazaar is now the Fall Bazaar. It will take place in the parking lot. This will be hosted by the Women’s Retreat.

Despite all the challenges of now almost eighteen months, despite these Troubling Days, I return to three principles. First, the Lord is Good. I believe that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Second, I     believe the Lord is a Stronghold. The Lord has guided us thus far. We are more open and active than many   churches. Third, I believe knows us as we take refuge in Him. I believe that First Presbyterian Mesquite is still known. We see through a mirror dimly. However, I believe that through these circumstances something new and good will come.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings!!! After a July sabbatical (hence a June-July issue), our newsletter returns.

We began “Back to Church 2.0” on July 4. We returned to two services. We offer Summer Sunday School. We are mask optional. During the weeks to come we will, if the way be clear, relax the  precautions we have used now for just over a year. During the next several weeks we will begin again in so many ways.

In the meantime-reflect on this: August can be more like a suburb of September rather than a summer month. It is easy to get caught up in back-to-school and the start of related activities. It will take effort to enjoy the gift of this month. I encourage you to take some moments to use August as a summer month. To take time to rest. Take time to remember the past, to re-evaluate your present, and to reflect on the future.

From The Prayers of Peter Marshall:
“Thanksgiving-on a Summer’s Day”

“We give Thee thanks, Lord of heaven and earth, for the promise of summer, for the beauty of this day
-a day that shall ripen grain, that shall provide good things for the table,
that shall make all growing things rejoice, that shall make more sweet the music of the birds,
that shall make more beautiful the gardens which Thou has planted and watered.
We thank Thee for the fertility of the land that encourages us to sow and to plant.
We thank Thee for the dependence of the seasons, for all Thy sustaining providence by which men (and women)
work today and harvest tomorrow. We well know, our Father, that we are not worthy of Thy bounty, but help us to be good stewards of that bounty. We thank Thee for the endless delight of our lives on this lovely earth. Amen.”

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton



Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings!!! After a July sabbatical (hence a June-July issue), our newsletter returns.

We began “Back to Church 2.0” on July 4. We returned to two services. We offer Summer Sunday School. We are mask optional. During the weeks to come we will, if the way be clear, relax the  precautions we have used now for just over a year. During the next several weeks we will begin again in so many ways.

In the meantime-reflect on this: August can be more like a suburb of September rather than a summer month. It is easy to get caught up in back-to-school and the start of related activities. It will take effort to enjoy the gift of this month. I encourage you to take some moments to use August as a summer month. To take time to rest. Take time to remember the past, to re-evaluate your present, and to reflect on the future.

From The Prayers of Peter Marshall:
“Thanksgiving-on a Summer’s Day”

“We give Thee thanks, Lord of heaven and earth, for the promise of summer, for the beauty of this day
-a day that shall ripen grain, that shall provide good things for the table,
that shall make all growing things rejoice, that shall make more sweet the music of the birds,
that shall make more beautiful the gardens which Thou has planted and watered.
We thank Thee for the fertility of the land that encourages us to sow and to plant.
We thank Thee for the dependence of the seasons, for all Thy sustaining providence by which men (and women)
work today and harvest tomorrow. We well know, our Father, that we are not worthy of Thy bounty, but help us to be good stewards of that bounty. We thank Thee for the endless delight of our lives on this lovely earth. Amen.”

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton