

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

I wrote these words on January 31, 2023. A Wintry Mix has many of us at home. I pray that you all are safe and warm at this time.

I want to share just a few thoughts that come to mind. First, as we are in the midst of a winter storm-pray for those who need to be outside. Please pray for Sharing Life and W.A.R.M-the emergency shelter. Second, as this is the month of love, be sure and pray for family and friends. Maybe this is a time to reconnect with a friend you have not seen. Third, as this is the shortest month of the year, it makes me think of time. Pray for good use of time. Shelter from the cold, connection with friends and loved ones, and good use of time-these are three needs that are on my heart and mind at this time. Take care and see you on Sunday!

 JOIN US FOR 2023 Holy Week

April 2: Palm Sunday

April 6: Maundy Thursday

April 7: Good Friday

April 9: Easter Sunday

We have several Worship highlights in February. We will celebrate Communion on Sunday, February 5 at both services. The choir will present at both services on Sunday, February 12. We will hold our Ash Wednesday Service at 7 PM on February 22.

We will gather again for Fellowship on Sunday, February 26. We will hear a Men’s Choir from an Adult Program of Teen Challenge. This is a Christ-based program of recovery. They will present songs and stories. We will gather again on Sunday, March 19. We will celebrate the Mission of the church as part of our program. Speaking of Mission, we will host a Blood Mobile on March 19. Also, remember, we continue to hold our 100 Can Challenge for each month.

Christian Education continues to take place on Sunday mornings in our Sunday School Classes. Dr. Carol Stephenson will continue to lead a study on Wednesday Night Live February 8 and 15. We will offer a meal on February 22 before the Service. A Lent Study will take place on March 1, 8, 15, 22, and 29.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support,

Jones Doughton


Please note what we have in store for the months ahead.

For Worship, we will celebrate World Wide Communion Sunday on October 2. We will mark All Saints Day and Reformation Sunday on October 30. November 6 will serve as our Dedication Sunday as well as Communion    Sunday. November 13 we will have a moment for Remembrance Sunday. This will be a time to thank those who have served in the Armed Forces.

We had a good time of Fellowship at our September 18, Lemonade on the Lawn. Our Church Picnic returns on  October 2, at the Town Center Park in Sunnyvale. The Men’s Council will prepare another Thanksgiving Meal on Sunday, November 20. We also can fellowship as we engage in mission and outreach. We will have another opportunity for outreach through Addressing Mesquite Day on October 1. Then, many will be able to give the Gift of Life on October 9, at the Carter BloodCare Mobile Unit. Then, on Saturday, October 29, the Fall Festival will take place under the leadership of Suzanne Ivy.

October 2, also marks two big steps for the congregation. First, the congregation will elect new Church Officers. Please be in prayer for our Elder nominees: Roger Foltz, Linda Fricke, John Kusewitt, Paul Luce, Gina Villafana, and Bennett Doughton (Youth Elder). Those nominated for Deacon: John Futrell, Rodney Graham, Patty Kim, and Alberto   Villafana (Youth Deacon). Our nominee for Trustee:  H. C. (Pete) Allen, Jr.  Also, we will launch our Stewardship Season “The Art of Gratitude” on October 2.

We continue our Discipleship Journey through Christian EducationWednesday Night Live will continue through the month. Rev. Doughton will offer Episode Two of his Four Part Holy Land Presentation. The month opens with “Sepphoris”: The City Jesus Never Mentioned…But Must Have Seen.” Brenda Greer will lead the youth and children on a culinary adventure on October 5. November 2 will be the time to prepare the College Care Packages. Our youth will host the Eastminster Presbyterian Youth on October 16. Also, looking ahead, Youth Bell Practice will return Sunday, November 6 at 9:30 AM. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support, Jones Doughton

JUNE / JULY 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“Summertime and the living is easy.” That song comes to mind as I approach June and the year’s summer block. I also return to that line from Ecclesiastes, “for everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.”    Summer is upon us and the pattern of life changes again.  During June the youth will go on their mission trip with other Grace Presbytery Youth. We will have our Vacation Bible School.

July will be our “Sabbatical Month”. There will be no called meetings for any committees or Church Officers. While I will use some of that time for a family vacation, I also want to use that block to plan, to read, reflect, and prepare for the fall. My prayer is that we will take time this summer to rest truly. May this be a summer of great fun and great rest for you. 

Worship: We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip. We will look at some of the Beatitudes this summer. After my trip to the Mount of the Beatitudes, I have much to ponder.

Christian Education: Exciting opportunities, Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is also exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer. Rally Day, the Blessing of the Backpacks, and a celebration to kick off the new school year and Church School year will take place in August. 

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: We have enjoyed many formats for Fellowship over the past several months.  During the summer there will be opportunities to fellowship at VBS. There will also be an after-church social in August to mark the re-opening in full of       Wilbanks Hall and Rally Day.

Mission Support: “Moving Ahead” is our goal for the summer months. The Property Committee has had the sprinklers repaired. We can water the grounds and the foundation again. The committee is looking into better locks for the sanctuary entry. There are other improvement projects on the horizon. Our goal is to complete the final punch list items for Wilbanks Hall by the end of July.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

Sermon Schedule:

June 5: “Power”, Acts 2:1-8; Pentecost

June 12: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

June 19: “The Poor in Spirit”, Matthew 5:3

June 26: “Those Who Mourn”, Matthew 5:4

July 3: “The Peacemakers” Matthew 5:9

July 10: “The Little People”, Matthew 5:5

July 17: “Those Who Hunger and Thirst”, Matthew 5:6

July 24: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

July 31: Guest Preacher, Rev. Craig Krueger

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