April 2023 Dear First Presbyterian Family,Easter will be upon us in April. We will mark the joy of Palm   Sunday on April 2. We will remember the Last Supper on Maundy Thursday, April 6.  We will honor the crucifixion of Christ on Good Friday, April 7....


FEBRUARY 2023 Dear First Presbyterian Family, I wrote these words on January 31, 2023. A Wintry Mix has many of us at home. I pray that you all are safe and warm at this time. I want to share just a few thoughts that come to mind. First, as we are in the midst of a...

pastor’s blog

May 2022 Dear First Presbyterian Family, By the time this article goes to print, I will be in the Holy Land. This trip is part of a three-year Learning Cohort. The sponsoring ministry is now called The Ministry Collaborative Back in 2018, I...

pastor’s blog – april 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family, Sunday, March 20 we welcomed Spring 2022. I am writing on the first official days of the season. We have had warmth and cold,  sunshine and rain, fair weather, and foul-and all in just a few days. The days are turning and new seasons...


Dear First Presbyterian Family, Lent will begin for us on Wednesday, March 2. I want to suggest three strategies for this season: Give Up, Give Out, or Give In. First, there is Give Up. People often give up such things as sweets or caffeine. Some people give up...


Dear First Presbyterian Family, Ground Hog Day is upon us! February 2 is the day where we “learn” if Spring is on the way or if we have six more weeks of Winter. Though February can be a brutal month for us (remember Snow-mageddon?), this month does mark a turn to...