
Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Lent will begin for us on Wednesday, March 2. I want to suggest three strategies for this season: Give Up, Give Out, or Give In. First, there is Give Up. People often give up such things as sweets or caffeine. Some people give up Social   Media. An alternative is to use social media in a very limited way. This could mean one only checks in for birthdays. Some people give up television. Ideally, one uses that as self-discipline and self-reflection.

Second, there is Give Out. I once heard a pastor encourage people to do something for others during this season. These could be acts of service for others. It could be a time to write letters to representatives about policies near and dear to your heart. One person made a list of ten friends. During Lent, this person prayed for each person every day. After Easter, each person got an “I prayed for you during Lent” letter. One person told me that he made a list of people who had helped him along the way. Then, during Lent, he wrote each one a letter thanking him or her for the special investment.            

Third, there is a Give In. This can overlap with the other two I mentioned. By this, I mean that one takes on a special discipline. Instead of spending an hour on Social Media, one prays through a special list. Instead of spending money on soft drinks (or soda as some call it), that money is given to a mission. One can read a book on faith reflections. I can make suggestions for reading material. One can take prayer walks-just a ten-minute stroll on your street or a stroll during lunch break.

As you can see, there is an overlap between these three approaches: Give Up, Give Out, and Give In. I encourage you all to find a path during Lent that involves one or more of these strategies. My hope and prayers are that each path will lead us closer to Jesus Christ.

Worship: We will mark the beginning of Lent with our Ash Wednesday Service on March 2. It will take place at 6:30 p.m. in the sanctuary.  This will be our first such service since 2020.

Christian Education: We continue to offer Sunday School in our transitional format. Faith Builders and the Youth have good spring schedules. You can find their events listed in the newsletter. As we approach Lent, let me ask this question: Are you interested in a short-term mid-week Lenten Study? If the interest is there, I will lead a five-week Lenten Study on the following Wednesdays: March 16, 23, 30, April 6, and 13 at 10 AM. If you are interested, please respond with “yes, I will make that commitment” to the church office. We need at least six people to commit for the group to launch. 

Mission: Our next Blood Mobile will take place on March 13. We continue to exceed our monthly goal with the 100 Can Challenge. Fellowship and Mission will work together on March 20. Our Fellowship Meal will focus on some of the Missions supported by this church. We will have speakers and displays from Sharing Life here in Mesquite; Evergreen, a ministry serving the mentally challenged; and Rev. Rob Leischner of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian-Dallas will speak about the East Dallas Partnership with El Norte Synod in Guatemala

Mission Support: As I write these words (on a Wednesday on an Ice Day) we are looking to a completed Christian Education Building and Wilbanks Hall. There remain some punch list items. However, we should be able to use the Fellowship Hall in full soon. Furniture and supplies are ordered. By late spring we should be able to use the building in full. 

We approved the sale of two acres behind the former manse back in October. This land will go to Open Door Baptist. We will use the proceeds for improvements to the buildings and grounds. Presbytery approved the sale in principle. The land will be surveyed on March 22. If the way be clear a contract can be written and signed by the end of April.

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

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