may 2021


Greetings First Presbyterian Family,

“For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven.” Thus begins Ecclesiastes 3. Those words come to mind as I reflect on our upcoming month of May. We begin the month with the Kentucky Derby-a Rite of Spring. We conclude with Memorial Day. That milestone serves as the unofficial start of Summer. During the month academic years wind down. If a student does not graduate in May, it will take place in early June. May can represent the final maturity of Spring. It opens the door to Summer. May is one of the three great transition points in our calendar. It is yet another time to look back and reflect-then look forward with purpose.

May 2 we will celebrate the Sacrament of Communion in worship. Also, that weekend several of our men will return to Mo Ranch for the Men’s Retreat. This will be a special moment as the event did not take place in 2020.

May 9 does triple duty. It is a day for us to remember and give thanks for our mothers. It is a day to honor Pete Alen for his MANY years of service as Church Treasurer. We will acknowledge his   service at all three services. Worshippers are invited to gather in the parking lot following each worship service. From there the cars will caravan to Pete’s house for a “Drive-by Salute”. If you would like to show your appreciation for Pete by giving him a card, we will be collecting them in the Welcome Center until May 9. It is also a day for the Presbyterian Women to present a very faithful member with the Life Membership Award. 

May 16 we will recognize our Seniors. Their parents will set up their displays in the Narthex. Attendees will be able to view the   displays and congratulate the Seniors following each Worship     Service. The sermon that day will serve as a charge to our Seniors-and it will be a message for us all as well.

For the past several years we have had a May service that acknowledges Memorial Day. The service includes music with a more     patriotic flavor. There are prayers for our country. There is recognition for those who have served and have gone before us. This year that service will be on May 23.

Rev. Dr. Craig Krueger will serve as the Guest Preacher on May 30. He has preached here on numerous occasions. He has become a friend of this church and I am sure you will appreciate his message.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

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