pastor’s blog


May 2022

Dear First Presbyterian Family,

By the time this article goes to print, I will be in the Holy Land. This trip is part of a three-year Learning Cohort. The sponsoring ministry is now called The Ministry Collaborative Back in 2018, I learned that a friend nominated me to participate. These ministerial learning cohorts gather ministers from different backgrounds, perspectives, and denominations to learn in a group setting over three years. We began in 2019 and we planned to take this trip in the spring of 2020. Since the pandemic began we met by Zoom until December 2021. Since then we have met by Zoom or in person based on the current status of the pandemic. This trip will now be part of our conclusion.

We will fly out of Dallas/Fort Worth on Monday, April 25. We will return on Saturday, May 7. Our trip will take us to Tel Aviv, the Sea of Galilee, Nazareth, Bethlehem, and      Jerusalem. It will take some time to fully process all that will have taken place. After a season of reflection, there will be much to tell.

As we enter May I reflect on the past four months. We have returned to more typical worship services for Ash Wednesday, Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday, Good Friday, and Easter Sunday. We have continued to ease back into regular Fellowship Gatherings. We continue to plan more regular events for Christian Education. Our Easter Egg Hunt not only ministered to our children, but we were also able to reach out to the community. I saw Easter Sunday as a celebration on many levels. We have restored much to our lives as a church family. Now we can reinvent. The next several months should be very exciting indeed. See you all on May 8! 

Worship will be diverse in May. Rev. Jim Witherow will lead in worship and celebrate Holy Communion with you all on May 1. The Jubilate Ringers will present special music again. The Confirmands will join the church on May 8. We will honor our Seniors on May 15. Our traditional “Memorial Day Service” will take place on May 22. Rev. Craig Krueger will return to the pulpit on May 29. We will mark Pentecost on June 5. Rev. Krueger will return to preach on June 12. Rev. Doughton will be with the youth on the mission trip.  

Christian Education: Our Faith Builders and L.I.F.E Youth have active plans for the spring and early summer. Both groups plan for some “End of School Year Fun” during the May 22 fellowship event. Vacation Bible School will take place June 26-30. The Christian Education Committee is exploring a unique format for Sunday School for Youth and Children over the summer as well. Stay tuned for further updates.

Mission: We continue to exceed our 100 Can Challenge each month. The youth are currently raising the funds to cover the Presbytery Youth Mission Trip. Our youth will join with the youth of at least five other Presbyterian churches. We will stay on the campus of Menaul School. You can learn more about the school at this link: . We will do needed upkeep repairs during the week of June 12-June 18. Thank you for your continued support.

Fellowship: Mark your calendar now for May 22. We will enjoy lunch after the 11 AM worship service. Events for Faith Builders and the L.I.F.E. Youth will take place in connection with the event. This will be a big day to mark the final countdown to the end of the school year.

Mission Support: “How many Presbyterians does it take to change a light bulb?” As you can see from the pictures, we had a “committee” to oversee a new light bulb in the steeple. Our Spring Clean Day on Saturday, April 9 went well. Restoration Solutions continues to knock out the last steps on Wilbanks Hall. Again-thank you for your support. 

Thank you for your continued prayers and support.

Jones Doughton

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