


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

“The Lord is Good, a Stronghold in the Day of Trouble, and He Knows Those Who Take Refuge in Him” (Nahum 1:7). I have returned to this verse many times over the years. While it seems that we are now beyond The Day of Trouble, we are still in Troubling Days. Based on the recent Dallas County Mandate and in consideration of the recent Delta Variant, the Session voted to return to our own Mask Mandate. That felt like a disappointing setback. We have also postponed a return to traditional communion. That is also disappointing. The Session will make periodic reviews. However, there is also progress. We continue to engage in the core areas of Worship, Faith Formation, and Mission. There are plans to fellowship again. We are moving ahead with our grounds and our Mission Action Plan for 2022 (Stewardship).

Worship: Originally, we planned to end “COVID Style” communion on August 1. However, in light current concerns and data, we have moved the date back. Now Sunday, October 5 we plan to   return to our traditional communion format. For September 5 each attendee can pick up a communion kit when he or she enters from a table. The attendee will take the kit to his/her seat. The kits have wrapped wafers and juice. I will break bread and pour the cup from the chancel. We have Choir members who have returned to practice. We have seen a return to Special Music.

Christian Education (Faith Formation): The Faith Builders are  reignited. They have met in July and August. Fellowship events for them are planned through the Fall. We had an exceptional VBS. Sunday School is still taking place. The Youth gathered for an End of Summer Pool Party. Their fall schedule will be published soon. We have the YouTube edition of the Discipleship Class offered to the entire church.

Mission: The Youth worked August 4-6 from 9 AM to 12 Noon at Sharing Life. They distributed food and smiles and warm greetings to clients as they drove through. Also, Eastminster Presbyterian has asked if the Youth can help with their Christmas Fair again. Once again, we are helping our neighbor schools-Florence Black Elementary and Agnew Middle school-with school supplies. We continue to engage in our “Good Neighbor” practices.

The repair work for Wilbanks Hall is in full swing. All that we plan is subject to change these days. However, a Fall with Activity is in the works. Just look at the list below.

Upcoming Events:

Sunday, September 26: We begin our Stewardship Campaign –

“The Latter Splendor of this House Shall be Greater than the Former.”

Saturday, October 2: Addressing Mesquite Day

Sunday, October 3: “If the way be clear”, we will gather again as a Church Family on Sunday, October 3.  That afternoon we will celebrate our Fall Picnic and Vespers. Stay tuned for further updates.

Saturday, October 23: The Garage Sale Returns! It will take place from 9 AM-3 PM.

Saturday, October 30: Fall Festival-This year we plan to hold it from 1 PM-3 PM

Saturday, November 5: The Christmas Bazaar is now the Fall Bazaar. It will take place in the parking lot. This will be hosted by the Women’s Retreat.

Despite all the challenges of now almost eighteen months, despite these Troubling Days, I return to three principles. First, the Lord is Good. I believe that we will see the goodness of the Lord in the land of the living. Second, I     believe the Lord is a Stronghold. The Lord has guided us thus far. We are more open and active than many   churches. Third, I believe knows us as we take refuge in Him. I believe that First Presbyterian Mesquite is still known. We see through a mirror dimly. However, I believe that through these circumstances something new and good will come.

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton


Dear First Presbyterian Family,

Greetings!!! After a July sabbatical (hence a June-July issue), our newsletter returns.

We began “Back to Church 2.0” on July 4. We returned to two services. We offer Summer Sunday School. We are mask optional. During the weeks to come we will, if the way be clear, relax the  precautions we have used now for just over a year. During the next several weeks we will begin again in so many ways.

In the meantime-reflect on this: August can be more like a suburb of September rather than a summer month. It is easy to get caught up in back-to-school and the start of related activities. It will take effort to enjoy the gift of this month. I encourage you to take some moments to use August as a summer month. To take time to rest. Take time to remember the past, to re-evaluate your present, and to reflect on the future.

From The Prayers of Peter Marshall:
“Thanksgiving-on a Summer’s Day”

“We give Thee thanks, Lord of heaven and earth, for the promise of summer, for the beauty of this day
-a day that shall ripen grain, that shall provide good things for the table,
that shall make all growing things rejoice, that shall make more sweet the music of the birds,
that shall make more beautiful the gardens which Thou has planted and watered.
We thank Thee for the fertility of the land that encourages us to sow and to plant.
We thank Thee for the dependence of the seasons, for all Thy sustaining providence by which men (and women)
work today and harvest tomorrow. We well know, our Father, that we are not worthy of Thy bounty, but help us to be good stewards of that bounty. We thank Thee for the endless delight of our lives on this lovely earth. Amen.”

Thank you all for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

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