APRIL 2021


Greetings First Presbyterian Family,

Sunday, March 22, 2020, we held our first recorded service for First Presbyterian Church during Shelter in Place. Ben Clifton directed and sang with the Ensemble Choir of Debbie and Dave Edling, Brenda Greer, and Paula and John Kusewitt. Ryoji Shimpo accompanied them with the organ and piano. Suzanne Ivy recorded the service and created the videos. I hastily figured out how to get an iMovie product up to YouTube. Late that afternoon Renee sent out the email with the links. First Presbyterian had entered a new era for worship.

The next weekend the worship team began to meet on Saturday at 9 AM. During the first weeks I began a series of midweek messages and updates. Soon I developed a pattern of messages twice a week. One message focused on prayers, hymns, scriptures, and short reflections. The other message focused on a Bible Study series. Later, I went to once a week reflection. Steve Leake began to record a Sunday School lesson for all adults. Sheila Rich-Hammer, Jan Sloan, and Elna Singleton led Zoom lessons for children and youth. We returned to in-person worship in June with a host of guidelines. We continued to record worship for YouTube. In due course larger groups could meet with appropriate guidelines. The Youth and the Men’s Council have begun to gather. Next month Presbyterian Women will gather in person as well.

I have reflected on our first “Corona-versary”. I began to write down some observations. I have put some of them in the form of Commandments. Here are five:

First: Thou Shalt Connect. As a family we have met by Zoom, written notes, made phone calls, sent emails, and sent texts. It is easy to become isolated at such a time. We must continue to stay connected.

Second:  Thou Shalt Continue to Engage in Mission.  We have         maintained our benevolences. We were able to provide money for gift cards for PCHAS residents. We have supported WARM, the emergency shelter of Sharing Life. They cared for 80 people during “Snow-mageddon”. We have given over one thousand pounds of non-perishable goods as well.

Third:  Thou May Plan, yet Thou Shalt be Willing to Change. Over time we have made plans to gather safely. We have created timelines-and we have updated and revised those timelines. We have taken the initiative, yet, we have pivoted to change when needed.

Fourth: Thou Shalt Learn New Things. Many of us have joined Zoom meetings, participated in studies by YouTube, and worshipped by YouTube. I have learned more technology in one year than I had learned in the previous ten years.

Fifth: Though Shalt Ask-What Does This Make Possible? In the months ahead an increasing number of us will be vaccinated. Though we have a good pattern for now, we will most likely (keeping #3 in mind) establish a new     pattern for 2022 and the years ahead. This is an undiscovered country for us.

We are approaching our annual celebration of the Resurrection. I am praying for our own resurrection in 2022. Please join with me as we look for options. We are poised to write a great new chapter for this church.

Thank you for your prayers, support, and encouragement.

Jones Doughton

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