

The purpose of the music ministry at First Presbyterian Church is to use music to focus attention on our wonderful and merciful creator and to lead others in worship of Him. It consists of the chancel choir, the hand bell choir (Jubilate Ringers), youth choir, youth hand bell choir, children’s choir, and children’s chimes. We also have two staff members: Ben Clifton, Director of Music Ministries; and Ryoji Shimpo, Organist.

The Chancel Choir

 The chancel choir is directed by Ben Clifton and accompanied by Ryoji Shimpo. It consists of wonderfully talented singers with many years of combined choral experience. The chancel choir performs two cantatas a year: one at Easter and the other at Christmas. The choir also leads the congregation in hymns as well as performs anthems, and other special music during Sunday services.

Jubilate Ringers

 The Jubilate Ringers, directed by Ryoji Shimpo, is a hand bell choir that has been going strong since the 1980’s here at First Presbyterian Church. They perform on Sundays about once a month and for special occasions such as Easter and Christmas.

Youth Choir and Youth Hand Bells

Ben Clifton directs the youth choir and the youth hand bells. They consist of singers and ringers in 6th grade through 12th grade. They perform at church about twice a year and they do a music mission trip every even year.

Children’s Choir and Chimes

Directed by Ben Clifton, the children’s choir and chimes consist of ringers and singers in kindergarten through 5th grade. They perform about twice a year.