2021 Easter Bunny Sighting and Drive By Parade The afternoon of Palm Sunday a group of volunteers drove by the homes of our youngest disciples, the Faith Builders. It just so happened that the Easter Bunny was tagging along. The Easter Bunny, with the help of...
march 2021
Greetings First Presbyterian Family, The Session and the Board of Deacons met last night for an update on Wilbanks Hall. We covered what had happened over the weekend of February 19-21. We reviewed the initial clean up and where we...
youth scavenger hunt
The Youth gathered on Sunday, February 28 for a Scavenger Hunt. Three teams were sent around Mesquite to take pictures and then report back to the church. The youth all stopped by the home of Hope Sheppard. They had sites to discover around the square and City Park....
march 2021
Greetings First Presbyterian Family,The Session and the Board of Deacons met last night for an update on Wilbanks Hall. We covered what had happened over the weekend of February 19-21. We reviewed the initial clean up and where we stood as of March 3, 2021. We covered...
L.I.F.E. Youth Update
L.I.F.E. Youth Beginning Sunday January 24, at 10:00 a.m. Sunday School Class for the Youth will resume meeting via Zoom. Meeting: 6302159564, Password: 335217, all youth and friends are welcome to join. On Sunday, February 7, the Youth, along with the congregation,...
February 2021
Greetings First Presbyterian Family, As I write these words, we are in the first weeks of a new Administration. For some people this is a time of hope. For others it is a time of concern. We still have the Pandemic. Vaccines are now available to the public. However,...
Missionary Updates
Read an update partner missionaries. PCUSA Missionaries - Dr. Larry and Inge Sthreshley, Democratic Republic of the Congo PCUSA Missionary - Ellen Smith
December 2020
Greetings First Presbyterian Family, Christmas songs, carols, and anthems add so much to the season. My top three are “O Come, All Ye Faithful”, “Joy to the World”, and “Holy Night”. Each hymn speaks in a special way to the awe, the majesty, and the holiness of the...