Sunday School

Christian Fellowship
Christian Fellowship consists of members who have been young at heart for a long time. If you are looking for a fellowship group who support and care for each other with a great deal of camaraderie, definitely consider
this class. It is taught by several rotating teachers on an eclectic mix of topics related to the Bible and issues in the Christian life. It’s discussion oriented and filled with learning, prayer, and laughter.
New members are always welcome.
Crossroads is a media study and discussion small group welcoming young adults and older adults who consider them-selves to be young at heart. The class is moderated on alternating Sundays by a committee of class members who choose curriculum from a variety of topics and media. Discussion is consistently fresh, humorous, and meaningful, due in large part to the various personalities of class members. Whether you like to take part in discussion, or prefer to just sit and listen, plan to visit Crossroads Sunday School.
Discipleship Class
Discipleship Class is made up of “empty nesters”, who study different books of the Bible using The Daily Bible Study Series curriculum. The lesson is made available each week by email for those who prefer to prepare in advance for the lesson.
Enquiry Class
Enquiry Class is led by different teachers on a quarterly basis using various resources along with The Pre-sent Word as a study guide. This class prefers a discussion format style of teaching. If you are looking for a small, intimate class, this may be the perfect class for you.
Faith and Life
Faith and Life is a group of friendly, welcoming individuals who enjoy studying the Bible together, using the quarterly curriculum, The Present Word. There is plenty of time for questions, discussion and sharing, as lives are enriched and faith grows stronger through the study of God’s Holy Word.
Genesis Class
Genesis Class is devoted to the study of scripture and reads a chapter of a book of the Bible each week! If you like to read scripture and discuss the meaning and message of the verses, Genesis may be the class for you. The members of this class celebrate that all of us can learn from each other.
Geneva Fellowship
Geneva Fellowship is a class for any-one looking for a structured approach for biblical learning and appeals to a variety of ages. They study a quarterly Scripture based curriculum, known to many, as the Uniform Series. If you are looking for a structured format, you would enjoy this class and would always be welcomed!
Today's faith
Today’s Faith is a class for young adults and married couples. Various Bible based material is used to strengthen our faith and helps us apply teachings of the Bible to our daily lives. If you are looking to connect with and enjoy discussion with others, you would enjoy this class and would always be welcomed!
Wednesday Night Live
The Wednesday Night Fellowship Program provides an opportunity to come together mid-week for food, fellowship and a variety of classes offered for all ages. Dinner at 6:00pm and classes from 6:30-7:30pm. Nursery provided.
Presbyterian Women
A group for ladies that supports the mission of the church worldwide, nurtures our faith through prayer and Bible study, works for justice and peace and builds an inclusive, caring community of women that strengthens the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). Morning and evening groups meet monthly for Bible study and Fellowship for women of all ages.
Men’s Council
The men of FPC meet monthly for breakfast and a special program. This group is responsible for sponsoring numerous programs throughout the year.